43. The Doctor's Heart

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You bolted down the stairs and burst the door open. You noticed the door wouldn't close fully so you looked behind it to find Ténèbres stunned, pressed up against the wall, holding a sealed envelope.

"I am so sorry," You said, helping the clone away from the wall to gain his bearings.

"It's fine, really I'm fine." He took a moment to look at you before he continued, "Prime asked me to give you this," He handed the envelope to you.

Ripping the paper off, you found the same transfer papers Prime had given you two days ago.

Oh, my fucking Gods.

"What is it?" Ténèbres asked.

"That prick still wants me to transfer," You replied, Ténèbres was aware that Prine wanted you to move, you learned that from the letter you took from his desk, you hoped he was still sure about not wanting you to transfer to Scaramouche.

"Will you?" He asked, his voice was laced with sadness, but his eyes remained hopeful, despite the odds being stacked against him.

"No, I'm not moving back to Scaramouche. In fact, we are going to go and give Prime a piece of our minds," You said proudly, grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to the office door.

You pounded on the wood, and when you received no answer, you tried twisting the handled, but he had locked the door.

"It's no use, he has that many locks on it that there's no hope of-" His words were interrupted by your foot connecting with the door and pushing it open with ease, causing it to slightly peel off of its hinges.

"That works aswell I guess," Ténèbres said as you both watched Prime raise his head from its place on the desk.

He looked as if he had been sleeping, his arms were crossed over one another on the table and he stretched as he rose from his seat.

"What do you two want?" He yawned, his voice rough despite the short sleep.

You held the paper in front of him, "The fuck is this? Not literally what is it but I told you I wasn't going to transfer, so why is Ténèbres giving it to me?"

"You would be better off working under Scaramouche,"

"Oh so are we just going to forget about he came down here and tried to kill you? Personally, I don't think I would be better off with a guy who is so jealous he would attempt to murder a higher ranking official,"

You didn't care about being formal, or showing respect, you were furious. You held the paper from the too left corner and you held it tightly.

"I believe there is a saying for this situation, how about 'Doctor knows best'? Hm?"

You laughed at him, pulling Capitano's lighter from your pocket and flicked it open, you set the paper on fire and dropped it on the floor. You watched as it burned while both clones looked at you, a mixture of fear and admiration filling their faces.

"I'm not transferring. You are much better than Scaramouche and you can't give me transfer papers every time something doesn't go your way."

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