34. Complications

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You had left Dottore's office, slightly unsure of what to do next but unable to hide the smile on your face.

That was until loud knocking was heard on the lab door. You took a few steps forward but stopped when you heard Prime's office door open, you turned to face the man confusion painted on both of your faces.

The knocking stopped for a moment, then it turned to frantic slams.

The Doctor practically ran towards the door quickly undoing the locks before swinging the door wide open.

Capitano stood on the other side panting heavily with Ocean stood behind him staring intensly up the stairs.

"I'm getting too old for this shit," Capitano muttered, placing a hand on Dottore's shoulder, "Scaramouche is coming and you two are his targets."

"Get in here," Dottore ordered.

Capitano and Ocean both walked into the lab and Dottore tightly locked the door behind them.

You were still stood in the same place, even more confused than you were before.

"I want every detail and I want it now," Dottore spoke quietly but his anger couldn't be hidden as he pointed a finger at The Captain's chest.

"As soon as he woke up Pantalone begun teasing him, 'taken out by just one hit, how pathetic' and 'even your dear assistant wouldn't help you after that embarrassing show' and other comments along those lines. Scaramouche snapped as soon as he mentioned Y/n and grabbed his collar and pinned him against the wall, he began threatening him and told him if he didn't answer one question he would kill him on the spot,"

"What question?"

"Where are they now?" Capitano stated.

Dottore ran a hand through his hair, tugging slightly towards the back of his head.

"We slipped out after he said that, so we aren't sure of where he is now or what he plans to do. We thought it was best to come and warn you immediately." Ocean added.

"You did the right thing, thank you both," Dottore said turning to face you.

He walked towards you and grabbed you by the arm, pulling you effortlessly into his office, closing the door behind himself.

When he had done so he let go of your arm and leant his head against the wall, sighing as he did.

He took a moment to breathe before walking over to the bookshelf behind his desk.

You looked at him with astonishment in your eyes, "You think now is a good time to be reading Dottore?"

"My dear assistant," He said pulling a book out of its place on the shelf, smirking as hidden gears began to turn and the bookshelf retracted into the wall, revealing a lounge area equipped with wine, food and a fire, "Never question me,"

Dottore extended his hand out to you and you took it without hesitation. He led you to a couch which you sat down on and immediately sank into the cushions.

"So, what? Do you propose we stay here until he just loses interest and leaves?" You were trying to rationalise why he would bring you into this room in the first place, you weren't amazingly strong, but you knew how to calm Scaramouche down, so you knew you could help if he was actually trying to hurt you and Dottore.

"I propose you stay here until I'm finished with him," He took your hand in his and held it up to his lips, he placed a small kiss on your knuckles before placing it softly on the couch, "It won't take long, I promise."

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now