21. Clones

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That paperwork was a pain in the ass.

You had just finished and were walking down to the lab, the large stack of paperwork in hand.

You reached the door to find it cracked open, you peered through expecting to see Ténèbres or Prime or perhaps even another clone, but the room was empty.

You walked in, looking around to see if there was a clone hiding away in one of the corners.

Nobody? That's strange.

However, you could hear metal turning and liquids sloshing around behind the door to the lab, the one you were in yesterday with Prime.

You cautiously knocked on the door, hearing Prime's voice from the other side welcoming you in.

"Y/n? How did you get in? The door was locked," Prime questioned you, still focusing on his work.

"Actually, the main door was open, sir," you replied.

He muttered something under his breath, before sighing loudly.

Prime turned around to face you, "I trust you're here to see 219? He's just through that door there, you may aswell give him your work since you're here," after finishing his sentence he turned back around and continued on with whatever he was doing.

You walked through the door that Prime told you to, finding a long hallway leading you deeper into the lab. There were many doors along the corridoor each with their own number on them.

You assumed each of these rooms belonged to a clone, probably a repair place or somewhere they could rest when they needed to.

You stopped as you reached the nineteenth door, you listened closely and heard giggling behind the door.

That doesn't sound like Ténèbres.

You knocked twice before you heard shuffling and a quiet voice shushing someone, before the door opened to reveal Ténèbres.

"Hi," you said, your arms were starting to go numb from the weight of the paperwork.

"Hello," Ténèbres said quite awkwardly before realising how much you were carrying and taking the paperwork from you and placing it down in his room.

The two of you looked at eachother for awhile, standing as if though this was your first time meeting.

Then a small voice called out from under his bed, "Can I come out yet?"

"03!" Ténèbres shouted back into his room before turning back around to face you with a guilty smile.

It was then that a young boy poked his head out from under the bed, his red eyes shone like rubys as he looked at you.

You could only give a confused smile before turning to Ténèbres.

He grabbed your arm and pulled you into his room, shutting the door behind you.

"Prime is going to kill me! 03 what were you thinking? I told you to stay quiet," Ténèbres reprimanded the boy.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to mess things up," the boy bowed his head looking rather sad.

The man beside you sighed, "Y/n, this is 203, our youngest clone. 203, this is Y/n, they're our new assistant," you waved at the boy who still looked rather upset.

Ténèbres walked over to him and sat beside him, "Don't be like that 03, I'm just trying to keep you safe," he explained before gently pulling the boy from under the bed. "Come on, aren't you going to say hello?"

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