44. The Doctor's Heart (Part 2)

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|Prime POV|

"That is quite tough," Signora said whilst cleaning my wound, "I still can't believe you went to Pulcinella," She laughed.

"He's more likely to keep it a secret than you," I retorted, "Not to mention he was here the whole time. Fuck. Can you not poke it?" I slammed the desk with my left hand to try to distract from the strange feeling of Signora's hand in my flesh.

"You're telling me Scaramouche did this to you?" You've let yourself go, Doctor," She mused, cleaning the area around the cut more carefully than before.

"He wanted me and the assistant dead, I was focused on not letting him get to them,"

She fell silent. She was right, I had let myself go, if it hadn't been for the assistant I could have killed him easily, but my mind was too preoccupied with them.

"Nevermind that now, it's in the past, why don't you tell me more about today?" Signora said with a smile on her face and pity in her eyes.

"Well, I barged into their room at three in the morning, they only woke up at four, they kicked me out while they got ready and I decided to say 'you're lucky I love you.'"

"Dottore, you are officially stupid,"

"It gets worse,"

"How can it get worse than that?"

"Well they said 'first you can crochet, then you can bake, what next?'" My sentence trailed off, I was lucky they didn't hear what I said, but it was still embarrassing to admit it out loud, "I said 'I can fuck'. Thank Her Majesty they didn't hear that because how could I have explained myself?"

Signora was nearly in tears from holding back her laughter, "You most certainly have outdone yourself Dottore," she said, wrapping my waist in bandages.

"Oh and they have seen me shirtless, I tried to forget about it but the way they looked at me... I don't think I could ever get enough of them," I buried my face in my hands, my heart was racing and my face was flushed.

Signora put a hand on my shoulder, "I've never seen you like this for anybody, so I'll share some of my best advice with you Dottore, you don't need books or a scientist to tell you what love is, it's different for every person and the best thing you can do, is speak to them."

"How would I do that after today, they watched me nearly decapitate several agents with a chair and I've just basically told them I'm not good for them,"

"I'll send some gifts down, you choose what you're going to put in, and you can deliver it to their room,"

I lifted my head from my hands, looking at the Eighth Harbinger, "Thank you, Signora."

|Y/n POV|

"Ocean you don't understand, I kissed Il Dottore on the lips!" Your head was buried in her lap as her hand rested on your back.

"Did he enjoy it?"

"Capitano, not the time," Ocean reprimanded him, Sidwell raised his hand, "No you can't comment either Sidwell,"

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now