32. Rumours

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"Have you heard? Dottore was spotted walking out of his assistant's room this morning,"

"Lord Dottore really has-"

"I really have what?" Dottore interrupted the two gossiping agents at the front of the Palace, they both immediately fell to their knees, bowing their heads at the Harbinger.

After a few minutes of them staying silent, you decided to involve yourself, "I believe Lord Dottore asked you a question, so why don't you do us all a favour, and answer." Your tone was stern and the agents in front of you gave eachother a look, neither offering an answer.

You attempted to take a step forward, but Dottore quickly caught your arm and held you back, "Don't waste your breath on them Y/n, these two have already come up on my radar, their punishment will be slow and painful, that's for sure,"

Dottore turned on his heel, quickly leading you away from the two agents. He was headed for the staff room and he was far from happy.

He slammed the door open and everyone in the room turned to look at the both of you, you were stood sheepishly behind your Harbinger, while the man himself wore a scowl and was grumbling under his breath.

"Everything alright Dottore?" Pantalone spoke from his seat, looking bewildered to say the least.

"Don't pretend to be friendly with me Regrator. After all, you're the one with more mistress' than I can count on both my hands," Dottore looked rather proud of himself.

As you should, but please go inside the room so the agents don't hear whatever the fuck this is.

It was then that Dottore took a deep breath and crossed the threshold of the room and you followed quietly behind him, closing the door to the room in the process.

"With the way they follow you round like a lost sheep, can you really blame us?" Arlechino was looking up from her card game to stir the pot further.

"Do you really want to test me? When half of you end up on my operating table do not blame me," A warning, one that wasn't very effective, but a warning nonetheless.

"Come on Dottore," Childe attempted to reason with The Doctor, "We all know you're not fucking them, but with how little you get out and the fact that none of us believe you're capable of being friends with another person, let alone keeping a romantic relationship with them, I think you can excuse a fun rumour,"

"You think I'd settle for them? God's what do you take me for?" Dottore said.

"What the fuck do you mean? Settle for them? Are they not good enough for you?" Scaramouche rose from his chair, disgust and shock danced across his face.

"They aren't exactly my type, puppet. Though I believe they are yours, after all why would you get so defensive over an assistant?"

Scaramouche practically ran to Dottore, hands outstretched and aiming for the neck. It took Dottore a flick of his arm and driving his hand into a spot on Scaramouche for the fight to be over. Scaramouche dropped to the floor, unconscious.

"Anyone else? It won't cost you anything, promise," The rest of The Harbingers either shook their heads or attempted to bow their heads and ignore Number 2.

"Good, come on Y/n," He said stepping over Scaramouche's unconscious body, "Let's go back to the lab,"

"I'm just going to grab a quick drink, if that's alright, My Lord. Then I'll join you in your lab," You spoke softly, the last thing you wanted was to piss him off further.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now