47. Working Together

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Once you and Prime were ready, he led you to the door of your room, twirling you around as he opened the door. You were laughing as you stepped out of your room, but your laughter abruptly stopped as you realised who was standing across from you.





There was an awkward silence that filled the corridor as you and Dottore stared at Ocean and Capitano, who were staring right back at the two of you.

You heard a door creak open down the corridor as Mister Krupp's old room was exited by two people.

The four of you had your eyes fixated on the two figures, you were able to easily identify one of them, due to their height, but the other was unrecognisable until she walked right infront of you.

"My Lord, you wouldn't mind if I spoke to the Luitenant, would you?" Kaitie Stevens asked Dottore.

"I suppose that would be fine," He replied, shooting a glare towards Scaramouche, who was leaning against the doorframe of the room he just left.

Katie grabbed your hand and whisked you away down the corridor.

"Y/n, good to see Dottore hasn't killed you yet."

You laughed at her comment, "Yes, he's actually a lot nicer than I expected,"

"Hm, I'm sure," She said as she looked you up and down, "I can't believe you still speak to Ocean, I wouldn't be caught dead speaking to that bitch."

Your face dropped, you had forgotten how much she disapproved of you and Ocean being friends, "She's really not that bad, she's lovely actually, plus we have been friends since before The Fatui. It was nice to catch up with her after not speaking for so long."

"Just remeber that I was the one who advised you to stay away from her, and honestly it may have been the best thing you ever did. I mean she's completely unprofessional and just an insufferable person. Well, now that I'm Scaramouche's assistant, I'll be able to help you steer clear of her," She placed a hand on your shoulder and gave you a smile.

You smiled back, hoping that the conversation would end quickly.

| Prime POV |

Capitano had come over to me as soon as that mystery person led Y/n away to talk. He informed me that person was a woman by the name of Kaitie Stevens, she held no rank in the Fatui, but was recently appointed as Scaramouche's new assistant.

The two of us were listening intently to the conversation whilst trying to cover it up by making small talk, but Capitano became more reclused after she made a comment about Ocean. I watched as she placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder, I knew exactly what she was trying to do, but it seemed Y/n was oblivious.

"So, Dottore, any new projects your working on?" Capitano asked me after a minute or so of silence, frustration was evident in his tone.

As I looked back at him, I heard a singular thought.

Can you read her mind?

"Yes actually," I looked back towards Kaitie and Y/n and focused on Kaitie, "I'll have to inform you of the details later," I said as I listened to her thoughts.

The sooner I drag them away from Ocean, the better. Then I can start the plan. By my calculations, they should die within the next four months if everything goes smoothly. Then Scaramouche and I can finally be together, and he can rid his mind of this good for nothing Luitenant.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now