7. The Doctor

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You were going to kill whoever decided it was a good idea to have so many stairs down to the lab.

You had to stop yourself from swearing everytime you got to another step.

Oh for fucks sake. Your Majesty please spare me from dying by stairs. I swear I was joking.

Not to mention you had just realised how heavy all of these materials are.

You were only half way down the stairs when you heard the door creaking in the same way it did a few hours ago when the segment had greeted you.

Just after the creaking had stopped you had moved down another step, letting out a hiss as your sore leg hit the stairs. You winced at how your leg ached.

You held onto the railing to recover for a little while, hoping the pain would dull and you would be able to continue.

You closed your eyes and tried to focus on anything other than the cuts and bruises all over your body.

"Need a hand?" The Doctor said extending his hand to you from his position a few stairs lower than you.

Your eyes shot open and you immediately bowed your head, "Lord Harbinger. My appologies I didn't mean to disrupt your work,"

He scoffed, "Give it a rest," he sighed before continuing, "Pass me the materials, I'll put them in the lab and then help your sorry ass down,"

Well at least he was going to help.

You silently handed him the bag of materials and watched as he walked down the stairs back into the lab.

You cursed yourself for being so loud, he probably thought you were some helpless idiot by now.

The lab door opened once more and Il Dottore came back up the stairs two at a time until he reached you. He stood on the step beneath you and wraped your right arm around his neck before carefully helping you down each step.

If he didn't hate me before he definitely does now.

The two of you reached the lab door and he practically dragged you in as you were now exhausted. He lead you over to a surgery table and you held tightly onto the cold, metal top.

"Can you sit yourself up on here?"

"I should be able to,"

"Good. I'll go get something for your wounds, stay here,"

You nodded and cautiously lifted yourself up onto the table.

You grabbed the pocket watch from your pocket.


You were honestly just glad you were still alive, possibly even more glad you hadn't passed out on the stairs.

You looked around the dimly lit lab.

He really has a thing for the dark.

Your attention was immediately caught by the glowing test tubes in racks on one of the counters, there must have been a dozen of them. All pulsing in sync with one another. Each test tube resembled a colour of the elements, three resembled the colour of an anemo vision, four had a purple colour similar to electro visions, one had a deep green colour,  and the remaining few were light blue in colour. The light blue ones radiated a cold frost which was escaping from the top of the test tubes.

There was a large corkboard behind you on the wall. It was too far away to read what you presumed was The Doctor's handwriting, but there was a large number of papers, diagrams and even some leaves pinned on the board.

You heard the far door creak and Dottore walked through holding a small red bag.

He placed the bag down next to you and opened it revealing many needles, bandages, and other items clearly belonging to a first aid kit.

He picked up a needle and walked over to one of the cabinets, opening it and picking out a small green vial.

He filled the syringe up to 5ml and held it up to you.

"This will feel weird at first, but all your injuries should be healed within twelve hours thanks to this little invention of mine," his laugh echoing through the lab, "Now, where would you prefer the injection, your arm perhaps? Or maybe you'd prefer it going into your thigh?"

The thought of that needle going inside you made you feel sick, and it definitely showed on your face.

You pointed towards your arm keeping your mouth firmly shut for fear you'd be sick if you opened it.

Dottore simply rolled your sleeve up  and took a small wipe out from the first aid kit, which was still open next to you, and wiped the area clean.



"3, 2, 1,"

The needle pierced your skin and the liquid was pushed inside of your arm, causing you to squirm and cringe a little. However, you were glad this 'Dottore' was being nice to you.

You looked at him sheepishly as he wrapped a bandage around your upper arm where he had made the incision.

Your eyes fell to his neck, where the number '219' were engraved onto his skin.

Clone 219. Most likely anyways.

You made a mental note of that as The Doctor looked up from bandaging your arm.

"There, you should be good as new by the morning,"

"Thank you, My Lord"

"Hmph, you say that like I chose to help you, it wouldn't look very good if I had my 20th assistant die on their first day now hmm?"

"No, I suppose not My Lord"

He clapped his hand together, "Anyways that bag is way too heavy to be just what I asked for, so enlighten me, what did you bring back?"



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