19. Lab Work

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| Y/n POV |

When Prime walked in, it was obious to see he was stressed.

If you had to be honest you were too, Scaramouche had scared you quite a bit, he had never acted like that before.

You were just glad for Dottore's mind reading, but now you were sure to be the centre of the Palace's gossip.

It was only when Prime walked over to you did you usher those thoughts out of your head.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine, how are you, you seem stressed." He laughed at your inquiry.

"It's that obvious, huh?" You nodded, "I think it's about time you got to do some real work, follow me."

He walked over to a door and held it open for you, before walking over to a store cupboard and grabbing you a lab coat and some safety goggles.

"I'm not sure about how much experience you have in the lab, but either way we wouldn't want to get your uniform dirty, now would we?"

You threw the lab coat on over your uniform, it was slightly big, but it would do. You struggled slightly with the goggles as they were a bit small, but with some minor fiddling, you were able to put them on.

He walked over to a counter, and you followed suit.

"Over here is most of the potions work, mainly alchemy, this all goes to Capitano and his men, its things such as defense boosters, attack potions, that kind of thing," he picked up a test tube and swirled it around, "See if you can guess what this one is made for." He held it up to your nose.

You smelt it and suddenly your senses were overflowed, you could hear birds chirping and waves rushing against the shores, the air smelt of apples and sea salt.

Waves, the sea, it all reminded you of one thing.

"A Hydro attack potion?"

"Indeed. Not only does it buff an existing Hydro users attacks, but if you pour it on a weapon, it becomes infused with Hydro for a rather long time." You were in awe. Dottore was able to create something this powerful?

Now I know why he's Number 2.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Now over here is, well they're like delusions, but for weapons. They are currently being trialed by Childe's battalion, but should be approved soon, so long as Pantalone gives us the funding to mass produce them."

"But if we already have the attack potions, we shouldn't have a need for those, right?"

"Well there is a slight difference of course, I wouldn't just make two of the same thing. The difference is the attack potions are a temporary solution, they are able to be used quickly and it means if an Electro Cicin Mage was to be attacked by an Electro slime, their cicins would be ineffective, but if they had a Hydro attack potion on them, they could pour it on a stick and use that to defend themself."

"Whereas the weapon delusions allow you to have a constant flow of Hydro, similar to the technology the Hydrogunner Legionnaires use, without the added bulk of their packs." You said, connecting the dots.

"Percisely. It also means covert missions are easier becuase, as you said, there is no need for their packs. Therefore, making it easier to pass off as a normal civilian. Another benefit is, they don't hurt the user, so there is no need for the masks once again, making covert missions easier."

He seemed rather proud of his inventions, as he should be as this was genius level technology.

"This will be what your lab work will consist of mainly, as this is the least dangerous and easiest part of what we do, but once you get a bit more experience, I will teach you how to mend and even make ruin guards." His previous stressed demeanor was washed away by the pride he took in his work.

If you hadn't seen this side of him, you would still think he was one of the scariest people in Teyvat, but now you wished other could see this side of him. That way there wouldn't be so many hateful rumours about him.

The rest of the day was spent working alongside Prime as he showed you how to make each type of potion and booster, explaining the process along the way.

It was surprisingly fun and although you got splashed by many different kinds of liquids, and ruined the lab coat you were wearing, Dottore was surprisingly paitent and a very good teacher too.

It was thanks to you that the fur on his outfit could be seen to shine azure when under light.

"I actually think it's a rather nice addition. Really makes me stand out don't you think?" He had read your mind as you recounted the past few hours to yourself whilst cleaning.

"You stood out pretty well without it." You teased.

"But it adds more..." He paused for a moment, thinking carefully, "I don't know the word for it."

"If you thought any harder about that I swear it would look like an overload reaction had happened in your head. Also this may not be the word your looking for but pizzaz fits quite nicely."

He looked confused at your words, "I've never heard that word before." He stated.

"A friend of mine used to say it all the time, I guess it just seeped into my vocabulary." Which was almost entirely true.

"Pizzaz." Prime repeated, "I think it's found it's way into mine now," he laughed, "Sounds like something Pantalone would say don't you think?"

He placed a pair of safety goggles over his mask, "Dottore, don't you think your outift is lacking a certain... pizazz?" He immitated Pantalone's voice and you began to laugh aswell.

"Bravo! If it weren't for your mask, I might've mistake you for the man himself,"

"Oh get lost, like you could do any better,"

"You're right, Childe's voice is much easier."

"You should hear him when he fanboys over The Captain, you'd think he was a school girl with a crush with the way he goes on about him."

You couldn't help but laugh harder, the thought of Childe having a crush on Capitano was ridiculous, but you had to admit, it was rather suspicious the way Childe tried harder whenever he heard The Captain was nearby.


idk whats happened to me with how kuch im writing but i wanted us to have some nice interactions with dottore
also blame my sister for the while pizazz thing shes got it stuck in my head 💀
honestly i need get someone to pre read my chapters for me becuase tbe amount of mistakes are embarrassing 😭

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