12. First Week

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|Y/N's POV|

You walked down the stairs once again coffee in your hand. Yesterday was definitely strange, and you really wanted to know what Prime and 219 had talked about.

You really had to figure out a name for him. Perhaps Ténèbres? It was Fontinian for darkness afterall. It seemed rather fitting for The Doctor, you would get his opinion when you spoke to him of course.

You lifted your hand to knock on the lab door but it opened before you got a chance to.

Standing behind it was 219. "Morning dipshit." He said taking the coffee from your hand.

"Blue tit." You said as you both walked through the lab doors. He walked over to his desk and handed you your papers.

"You know the deal by now, get them in by the end of the day," he seemed rather tired, "Yeah, Prime made me work through the night on a stupid report so I haven't been able to get much rest."

I didn't think clones needed sleep.

"We dont sleep per se, but we do need rest." He said simply, this mind reading thing was really starting to become more apparant.

"Also theres no way that the first time we met, you thought I was worse than Scaramouche. I mean come on thats a bit unfair,"

"Those were my first judgements before you healed me. People are quick to judge, you can't blame me for being the same," he simply shrugged to your statement, "Actually, you know how you said I should think of a name for you? I think I have one. What do you think of Ténèbres?" His eyes lit up and he thought it over for a second.

"How fitting, it translates to darkness does it not?" You nodded, "I think it suits me quite well." He seemed to like it by the way he straightened his bow tie and a smile formed on his face.

"Well then, its settled. I'd best start on this paperwork, so see you later Ténèbres!" You left the lab and continued up to your office in Haeresys.

《 Time skip 》

The days after that were rather bland, the same routine you followed on your first day save for the meeting with Prime.

You and Ténèbres would try to make eachother laugh on slower days and would talk briefly on the days filled with paperwork.

The days passed and before you knew it, it was Friday already.

You walked down to the lab as per usual and knocked on the door. Ténèbres opened it and let you in.

He handed you your paperwork and gave you the usual reminder that it was to be handed in at the end of the day.

But something was off.

You couldn't quite place it, but he seemed more nervous. He was more on edge than normal.

"Actually, Luitenant. There's a small debt collection we have to do tommorow, well I have to do it, but I was wondering would you perhaps like to join me? I'll hand your paperwork off to another clone, so you don't have to worry about that."

So thats why he was so nervous.

"I would like to, yes. But you owe me tea for helping you," you joked.

"Well, I was thinking if we get the job done early, we could go to a café in the market. Somewhere that sells pastries preferably. On me of course."

You smiled at his offer. "Then it's a deal, see you then," you walked out of the lab after saying your goodbyes . You were glad he offered that to you, you had begun to really take a liking to him, and you wanted to get to know him better.

Despite his arrogant outside, he seemed to be rather nice. You would never have been saying anything like this before working under him.

And so like the days before, you got on with your paperwork. However, this time you couldn't get your mind off of tommorow, you hated to admit it, but you were genuinely excited to be spending time with Il Dottore, more specifically Ténèbres.



also thank you all so much your comments genuinley make my day and im srry if i havent replied to you, i promise i have read it im just socially awkawrd and im just generally bad at talking to people 😭

eventually ill make like a dottore reading list with some amazing books that ive read but for now im really tired so im going to bed BUT I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES I LOVE U ALL ❤️

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