38. More Clones

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| Y/n POV |

As you opened the door, you were looking down at the materials you were carrying. Time seemed to slow down as you looked up.

Behind his desk was Il Dottore, his hair slightly messy, his mask still in its place. One arm was resting by his side whilst the other was away from his body. The hand of the outstretched arm was wrapped tightly in a blue button-up, with gold embroidery in places. You assumed it was all over the shirt,  but considering how much blood there was, it was hard to tell. Both of the arms had leather straps that reached just past The Doctor's shoulders.

Around his neck was a leather collar with a large ring of iron attached to it, which rested just beneath his adams apple. Connected to the iron ring was another leather strap which was connected to another iron ring that sat right above Dottore's chest. The second iron ring had two more straps connected to it, which reached over to his arms. Your eyes returned to the straps which sat in the middle of his chest, which ran right down all the way and into his pants, you could only guess it carried on further. There were more straps that wrapped around his waist and another horizontal strap sitting just under his pecs.

Your eyes fell to his hips and you noticed a patch of discoloured skin, it was more grey than the rest of his upper body and as you looked away you could have sworn you saw a faint glow emitting from the patch.

Your face flushed red as you realised what happened, you immediately pulled your eyes away from The Doctor's chest and raised them to look at his face, his exposed skin was bright red.

You covered you eyes immediately causing the bandages and gauze to fall on the floor, you kicked them further into the room and pulled some antiseptic wipes tweezers out of your pocket and threw them into the room then you quickly shut the door before cracking it open again to appologise before closing it for the final time.

You turned around from his office to face Capitano and the still tied up Scaramouche.

"How long was I in there for?" You asked them, your eyes never leaving the floor.

"No more than fifteen seconds," Capitano replied.

You heard a loud smacking sound and you lifted your head to see a Dottore clone with a shirt over his shoulder and Scaramouche writhing in pain in front of him.

"Capitano, untie him and the two of you get out," The clone ordered the two around before walking up to you, "Put your mask on agent and get out of my way."

You stepped out of his way and taunted him when you were out of his line of sight.

You heard the lab door open and shut quickly and you realised, you didn't have anything to do.

You were still technically off, but Ocean had returned to work early, Sidwell litterally got dragged to work by Pierro, and Pulcinella gave Sonya the day off after she passed out.

Ténèbres! Is he here? Maybe he's hiding under a desk?

You pondered where your clone friend could be as you walked around the lab until you heard Prime's door close.

You looked at the Dottore who had walked out, trying to figure out if he was Prime or that clone from before.

"Didn't I tell you to put your mask on?"

"Actually I'm Prime's new assistant, meaning I don't have to wear a mask,"

"You walk around looking like that? That is a traumatic experience for those around you. I'm surprised Pierro hasnt publicly appologised for forcing people to look at that ghastly sight." The clone huffed.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now