5. Annoyance

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Well, you definitely needed a pocket watch if Dottore was going to give you a curfew for material collecting. Archons know what else he'd give you a time limit for.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

You were going to have to kill Onyx if you made it out of this alive.

Seven. Fucking. Ruin guards.

You were ar fault really for not asking, but this was just insane. There was no chance you could take down seven ruin guards by yourself.

You drew your weapon trying to create some sort of plan in your head. You didn't know how ruin guards worked fully or where each part went, but you a had an idea of where the circuit boards and gears are.

Basically, don't damage the chest or arms of three and then kill the others by any means necessary. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Now having some sort of idea on what you were going to do, you charged in.

It took the machines a second to begin attacking. Two got ready to fire their missiles, one tried to step on you, another began swinging it's arms and the other three were walking towards you.

You dodged the missiles and went straight for the core of those two. One was knocked out but before you could knock the other out you were hit by the fist of one of swinging guard.

That's gonna hurt in the morning.

However, you noticed as you had been flung away, the head of the ruin guard you couldn't knock out went flying.

Why didn't i think of using them against eachother.

Immediately putting your new plan into action you jumped from guard to guard, getting slightly bruised in the process.

It must have been 20 minutes before another guard was down.

5 left.

You junped on the back of one of the ruin guards, before standing up on it's shoulders and kicking its eye, causing it to fall over.

You dashed over infront of another as missiles flew towards you before landing in the legs of a ruin guard.

You quickly ran to the side as one jumped in the air. It landed right were you were stood before the other ruin guard who had been hit by a fellow machines missiles fell on top of it.

6 down. 1 to go.

You made one last sprint towards the machine before hitting it with all of your might.

It wasn't enough.

The guard swung its arm right at your stomach flinging you into a defeated guard. It walked towards you before it knelt down, getting ready to fire it's missiles. Just as the missiles left its body you threw your weapon and hid behind the ruin guard you were sat by.

You closed you eyes. Hoping, praying it was over.


You peaked over the body of the machine you had used to hide.

The last ruin guard lay motionless on the floor.

As you sat in silence, ears slightly ringing from the fighting, you heard a low bell.

It rang once.


Three times.





Eight rings.

Eight o'clock already, shit.

You began collecting the parts needed plus any extras you could salvage from the deactivated machines.

After gathering what you could you limped your way towards the house these ruin guards had surrounded.

How annoying.



This one prbbly doesnt make much sense becuase yk im bad at writing fight scenes lmao

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