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"I can't believe he left the gifts in his lab,"

"Signora, you have to realise Dottore is more secluded than the rest of you, affection is hard for him and he often pushes his feelings to the side. It will take time for their relationship to develop and we must not rush them," Her Majesty assured The Fair Lady.

Signora huffed and the room fell silent, they had been discussing Dottore and Y/n for some time now, each Harbinger eager to know the details of The Doctor's relationship with his assistant.

Her Majesty took a sip of her tea, "Remember, we are not to inform Dottore, Scaramouche, or Y/n about these meetings. We are also to remember that although we may be excited about this new side of Dottore, he still has feelings and we should not push him to explain everything at once, the same goes for Y/n."

"What about Scaramouche's new assistant?"

Everyone present looked towards the ginger at the far end of the table, although Her Majesty remained indifferent to this information, the same could not be said for Her Harbingers. The room was thrown into tumult, each Harbinger questioning Tartaglia until he sunk into his seat, overwhelmed with the noise. Her Majesty raised Her hand and the questions came to a halt.

"Who is his new assistant?"

"Y/n's friend, they used to be fairly close, especially under Scaramouche. I think her name was Katie Stevens or something. From what I've heard she has always had a crush on Scaramouche and now The Balladeer wants to use her to get Y/n back."

"That little rat," Ocean whispered under her breath.

Sidwell gasped, "The same girl who had sex with Krupp so he wouldn't tell Dottore she was addicted to naku weed?"

Curt Redcliffe turned to Pantalone, "Didn't she try the same thing with you?"

Pantalone looked back at his assistant, "Yes, she offered to be my mistress in return for her confiscated naku weed back,"

Quiet gossip of other experiences the Harbingers and their assistants had with her filled the room. Her Majesty on the other hand had closed Her eyes, She seemed to be deep in thought.

The Tsaritsa was able to view every room in Zapolyarny Palace whenever She wished to, at the moment she was observing Y/n and Dottore, Y/n was asleep in Dottore's arms, whilst he admired them, caressing their cheek with a soft smile on his face. He was whispering, his words barely audible, even Her Majesty could not hear them, but She knew he was telling his sleeping assistant everything he was too afraid to say while they were awake. Although She could not make out what he was saying, it was clear his words were sweeter than honey, his hushed whispers were gentle and charming. Unbelievably different from his usual demeanour.

"That's quite enough," Her Majesty spoke with eloquence and an all-knowing smile on her face.

Her eyes fluttered open, "For now, all of you are to stay out of the situation unless Number Two, his assistant, or Number Six asks you to become involved. Even then I expect you all to remain indifferent. Keep me updated with any developments, you are all dismissed."

The Harbingers began to file out of the room, their assistants following closely behind, Pierro and Sidwell were the only two to remain after the others had left.

"Do you think it will work out?" Pierro asked, his focus remaining on the door.

"I believe Dottore won't take what he is given for granted, there will be disagreements between the two, but I hope it will make them both stronger. As I said, Dottore is more secluded, but he seems to be changing for the better," Her Majesty answered.

"Is that really what we want?"

"Nothing will ever make him sane, he will remain as the same insane Doctor, but he will gain more control over his emotions, which will benefit everyone greatly." The Tsaritsa said before dismissing Number One.

She made sure the room was empty before shaking her head and sighing, "Try not to break my Harbinger," She spoke into the empty room, "He may seem unbreakable and unwavering in his ways, but he is fragile at heart, he has borne witness to greater terrors than most."

"For those of you who asked me to pass on messages, unfortunately, I have placed a rather large sum of money on Dottore winning your love, and many of my Harbingers want nothing to do with The Doctor. However, I regard you all kindly, in my eyes you are just like my Harbingers, and I see them as my children."

Her Majesty giggled as she leaned back in her seat, "Next time we meet, I shall do my best to prepare tea for you all, and if tea isn't to your preference, I'm sure I have something that will be. Perhaps I could serve some ice cream as well?" Her Majesty questioned the empty room, "I suppose that is a question for next time, До свидания, мои дети."

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now