11. Malfunction

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|Prime's POV|

It was easy to see the Luitenant was intimidated by me. Their thoughts were all over the place, and their eyes showed me that they truly were terrified. I was going to enjoy toying with them.

For now, I had more pressing matters to attend to, Segment 219 to be precise.

I noticed that his oxytocin levels had surged recently, as well as his dopamine levels.

However, these surges only happened at certain times, for example, there was a massive surge in oxytocin yesterday when the new assistant came back injured.

Wether it's a malfunction or there's another reason behind it, I need to figure out why this is happening.

Which is precisely why I called him into my office.

He sat infront of me clearly uncomfortable, so I decided I would ask a simple question first.

"How do you feel about the new assistant?"

Relief washed over him, as he immediately became less tense.

"They've been a great help so far, other than the injury part, but even still, that injury allowed us to have an idea of their abilities and battle prowess. They even completed all of the paperwork we gave them an hour early," He spoke, I looked at the small monitor close to my desk that allowed my to check his state of mind.

Dopamine levels have gone up. Oxytocins are also on the rise.

So the assistant was the cause of all this.

"Good to hear, they definitely have potential, that's for sure," I chose not to tell him yet, I want to see if he can figure it out for himself.

"Is that all you wanted Prime?" He was painfully oblovious, it was hard to believe we are the same person sometimes.

I sighed picking up the monitor from it's stand and holding it facing me, there was one thing I wanted to try to be sure that the assistant was the cause of this.

"Y/n." I said simply, I watched as dopamine production and oxytocin production spiked, confirming my suspicions.

I handed him the monitor, "It seems speaking to the Luitenant and even thinking about them causes your dopamine and oxytocin levels to rise,"

I watched his face fall. We were one in the same, so I knew what, or rather who, he thought about first.


We had studied her brain, we found that this was exaxtly how she felt about us.

"I'm not... no. I'm not like that"

"Calm yourself. This is a rather...interesting development. I won't decommission you," I want to see how this plays out, afterall, I am him, and he is me. If my clone was able to develop these... feelings, who knows what would happen with me.

I dismissed my clone, leaving myself to my own thoughts.

Is this why Her Majesty told me to take on a new assistant?


i forgot how long it takes me to write so this might be the only chapter for this morning srry


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