41. Breakfast Together

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When you awoke the next morning, it took you awhile to adjust to the light in your room, and it took you even longer to realise you hadn't left the lights on. You sat upright quickly to see Il Dottore leaning on your doorframe, he was looking at the floor whilst swinging his foot back and forth.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" You said, causing The Doctor to raise his head, clapping his hands together.

"Finally! I've been waiting forever, are you ready to go?"

"I just woke up,"

"Yes, I'm aware, I have been stood here for an hour," He waved his hands in the air as he spoke.

"You watched me sleep?"

"I prefer the phrase, bravely guarded you, waiting for my lazy assistant to wake up works too,"

You sighed heavily dragging yourself out of bed, "Get out while I change,"

"You can go as you are, it not that big of a deal,"

You looked at him in disbelief, quickly walking over to him and using your whole bodyweight to move him.

Which failed. Miserably.

"Were you trying to push me out of the way? Just generally actually what the fuck did you think that would do? I weigh over thirteen stone, Y/n and most of that is muscle fat." He said as you pushed your whole body against him a final time.

You laid your head on his arm, slouching slightly. You were still tired and unbelievably hungry so you were no way prepared to shove a Harbinger out of the way.

"Just please leave whilst I get changed, I'll only be a few minutes."

Dottore said something under his breath, causing you to double take, "What did you say?"

"Hm? Oh I said your lucky I trust you,"

You nodded slightly, not fully believing him.

He left your room and you began to get ready, you didn't worry too much about your uniform as you were going to put your Fatui issued coat on top. It was similar to the Harbinger coats but slightly smaller with less ornate decorations and a small patch on the left side. Your patch said 'The Balladeers Assistant', you didn't have the chance to get it updated as your days have been fairly busy, doing paperwork, running around after the clones, and trying to figure out how you feel about The Second Harbinger.

I forgot how warm this coat is, so soft aswell.

You placed your hand in your pockets, and found a metal box, you took it out and inspected it. You realised very quickly that it was Capitano's lighter you had accidentally stolen from him when Signora departed from the cold land. You placed it back into your pocket, reminding yourself to give it to him.

I wonder how Signora is doing.

You walked out of your room to see Dottore pacing around the hall in front of the assistants quaters. You coughed lightly to grab the Harbingers attention.

His whole body turned to you in one swift movement and he slowly walked up to you, seemingly inspecting every inch of you in the process.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now