37. Caught

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Sonya grabbed her wine and slid under your bed, Ocean followed her lead and Sidwell crawled behind the door and sat with his cup of tea next to him.

You stood up and walked to the door, leaning on the fram once it was open.

"Hey Dottore, I'm fine, how are you?"

"Still living. Why is there three wine glasses and two cups of tea on your floor?"

"You know," You looked back at the cups on your floor, "I wish I knew how to explain them but I really don't."

Dottore took a step forward, his face was less than an inch away from your own, and pushed your bedroom door open, "Good morning Sidwell," He greeted, before Sidwell had even revealed himself, "Ocean, I know you're under there,"

"Is that everyone or is somebody else hiding?"

You sheepishly backed away, "Sonya come out please,"

She passed the bottle of wine and her glass out before getting out from under the bed.

Once all three of them were out of their hiding spots, they stood next to one another, guiltily looking at the ground.

"What were you all doing?" Dottore asked you.

"Sidwell, actually, is the best person to ask,"

"We were telling eachother our favourite or most embarrassing or generally funny stories from our time in the Fatui,"

Dottore paused, "You always were hard to read Sidwell. Y/n, you should start taking notes."

The Doctore walked over to where you had been sitting previously and picked up a wine glass, sat on your bed and held the empty glass out to Sonya. Taking the hint, she opened the bottle and poured him a glass.

"As you were, please, carry on, don't let my presence change what you were doing before,"

You all sat back down and everyone seemed to look at you to continue the conversation.

"Did I tell you about the time Childe made me infiltrate a brothel," You spoke trying to revive the atmosphere of the room.

Ocean hit her hand to her head.

Sidwell choked on his tea.

Sonya poured more wine into her glass.

Dottore gripped his glass so hard it shattered in his hand.

"Like I said, your as socially aware as a spoon,"

"I didn't mean like that!" You flushed red, "I broke in and took important files from a high profile target while he was in a private room,"

"I'm more concerned about Dottore at the moment," Sidwell spoke, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Oh I'm fine, it's just a flesh wound," Dottore said picking a shard of glass out of his hand, "I barely felt anything,"

You looked at him with wide eyes before picking yourself up and going into your bathroom. You opened one fo the cabinets and pulled a first aid kit out. You always kept one for emergencies especially after working with The Harbingers for so long. You left the bathroom and showed off the first aid kit to everyone, earning a slow clap from Ocean and a laugh from Sonya.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now