49. Ruin Graders and Sweet Words

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You woke up before Dottore, sitting upright and rubbing your eyes. It wasn't long before you heard him groan, and you were pulled down on top of his chest once more.

You laughed a bit, "Dottore? You're awake early," You quickly began to nestle into his chest as you spoke, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his body.

"Of course I am, with a lovely angel such as yourself around it's hard not to wake up early just to see you.," Dottore chuckled as he spoke, one of his hands were caressing your hair.

You giggled slightly before relaxing completely in his arms, simply watching his chest move up and down and listening to his gentle breathing.

"You're cute, you know that?" Dottore questioned you, his voice soft and quiet.

"Not as cute as you," you teased, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Dottore pulled you closer, positioning you so that you were on top of him fully. His hands cupped your cheeks before they wrapped around your body. He placed quick kisses on the top of your head before tightening his arms around your waist and  getting out of bed, with you still in his arms.

He began picking clothes out of his wardrobe and placing them on the bed, once he had an outfit picked out he placed you down gently on the bedand took his clothes off to the bathroom to get changed.

After he left the bathroom, you realised the clothes he put on were almost identical to the ones we wore everyday, with the exception of his socks, which you hadn't really seen before, his socks were blue and had sharks on them.

"Shark socks?" You said, amused by his choice.

Dottore looked down at his socks before coming over to pick you up, "Do you not like them?" He said chuckling.

"The mighty Second of The Harbingers, wears shark socks... I can hardly believe it," You laughed, teasing him slightly.

"They were a gift from Pierro thank you very much. I don't go out and buy kids socks, just for the fun of it." Dottore picked you up with ease.

"Mhm, I should hope not," You said, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.

He went back into the bathroom and picked up some cologne, he placed you gently on the counter and sprayed the cologne on his neck and wrists. Then, turning to you, he held it up for you to smell. It smelt of citrus and sea salt, reminding you of The Doctor, every time you had embraced him or kissed him, this scent invaded your senses.

Once Dottore was happy you liked the smell, he lifted your chin up with a gentle finger and sprayed the cologne on your neck. Then, he took your hands in his and turned them over, spraying some there aswell. He took your hands and rubbed your wrists gently, then placed a kiss on the back of your hands.

Once again, he picked you up and went back to his wardrobe, taking out his Harbinger coat and placing it around himself, then made sure you were able to keep yourself up, before buttoning the coat around you.

"Let's get you to your room so you can change properly," Dottore spoke in a gentle tone as he carried you out of his room.

"Dottore." A deep voice you recognised as Pierro spoke up from down the hall from the two of you.

"Pierro, Capitano and Pantalone... to what do I owe the pleasure?

"We were just talking about you and that lovely assistant of yours, what was their name again?" Pantalone's voice was dripping with sarcasm as he spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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