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Her Majesty gasped.

"What an interesting twist, I didn't expect for it to unfold like this,"

"What exactly do you mean, Your Majesty?" Pierro spoke, he blew on his tea, awaiting an answer from the Archon.

"Y/n found Dottore's books, the ones Pulcinella gave him. He wasn't there to see it as he was fighting a jealous Scaramouche," The Tsaritsa mused.

Pierro sighed, taking a sip of his tea, "That puppet is going to get himself killed one day,"

Her Majesty hummed in acknowledgement.

"Still, rather intriguing, two Harbingers fighting over their oblivious assistant, I wonder who will be victorious," Pierro said, he thought over it for a moment, "My bet on Dottore still stands,"

Her Majesty laughed, "As does mine, I wonder how the others will react to this development,"

The two sat in quiet thought for awhile. Pierro was quick to ask the question he had on his mind, he had always been curious since Y/n became Childe's assistant.

"What exactly is so special about Y/n?"

"I've watched them since they were a small child, they have the potential to become more renowned than ourselves."

"But why and more importantly how?"

"That is a story for another time my dear Jester. I believe you have duties to attend to,"

"Of course," Pierro bowed and quickly took his leave from The Tsaritsa's tea room.

"And you all," Her Majesty began, "Yes, I'm talking to you, I think you should stay, perhaps you will get the happy ending you all dream of," She laughed slightly, and the sound echoed throughout the near empty room, "But what would I know, afterall love is young and free, its not a game for me to decide who wins and loses."

She finished the tea in her cup, "Until next time,"

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now