42. Assasins

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Dottore pushed the doors to the meeting room open and you watched as Pierro and Sidwell turned to look at you both from the head of the table. On the right side of the long table stood a platoon of twenty-five soldiers.

The platoon stood at attention and saluted Dottore as he walked to the foot of the table, you following closely behind. They quickly stood at ease when you both came to a halt.

"Ah, Dottore, you're on time for a change, and I see you've brought the Luitenant with you," Pierro was hard to read up close, but from afar you had no hopes of reading the mysterious Jester.

"I would like to get this over with as quickly as possible, if you don't mind, Pierro." Dottore responded.

"Very well then," Pierro said walking towards the platoon, "These are the assassins who will be accompanying Childe on his mission to Liyue, we would like your opinion on them as you were once our most skilled assassin, before you became so obsessed with that lab." Pierro had muttered the last part but his words made The Doctor tap his fingers on the desk in a rhythmic pattern, you could only assume the purpose of his doing so.

"They are known to be rather merciful when it comes to missions, however, they are more than happy to kill anyone who gets in the way of Her Majesty's will."

Dottore scoffed loudly, looking away from Pierro as he did so.

Pierro did not scold him but instead waited for Number Two to look back toward him and the platoon.

Dottore chuckled and shook his head as he walked towards the soldiers, "Merciful, you say?" He said approaching the front rank.

He examined the right marker closely, first looking at his rank, then at his uniform and finally his mask, "General," He addressed the man directly and the General stood at attention, his complexion becoming pale, "Your boots aren't polished, you uniform hasn't been ironed and your mask is duller than this conversation, and yet you dare to appear in this meeting room in front your superiors. My left arm is more worthy of that rank than you. Stand at ease."

The Doctor watched in delight as the General's face became red and he quickly stood at ease.

"Now now Dottore, they weren't aware of this meeting until early this morning, they haven't had time to prepare."

"Time to prepare?" Dottore laughed, "Their uniform should be immaculate no matter the occasion. It should be their pride and joy as it means they are serving Her Majesty. If this is how they treat their uniform I fear for any evidence left in their hands." Pierro stood quietly as The Doctore finished his sentence.

Dottore motioned for you to come forward, and you marched up to him before standing at attention and saluting him, then turning to Pierro, saluting him as well.

"At ease Luitenant," Dottore ordered.

You obeyed and stood there as Dottore looked over you. He pointed to your boots and looked towards the platoon, "That is how shiny your boots should be, if I can't see my face in them you haven't done it properly. Do I make myself clear?" He awaited a response from the platoon and when he didn't get one he repeated his question, "Do I make myself clear?" He was practically yelling at them.

A chorus of "Yes Lord Harbinger," followed quickly after.

He pointed to the insignia on your coat, "This is one of the most well-kept insignias I have ever seen, even some of The Harbingers don't put this much effort into their uniform." He walked away from you and began pacing in front of the front rank. "This Luitenant is more proud than all of you combined. They are more deserving of this place than every single one of you imbeciles. So please, Pierro, enlighten me," He waved his hand out before him before turning to look at Pierro and coming to a stop, "What is so special about this sorry assembly?"

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