36. Catching Up

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You had barely opened your eyes when you heard impatient knocking on your bedroom door. You pulled the covers from your body, letting the cold air wake you up. You stayed for a few seconds before groggily getting up and opening your door.

"What took you so long?" Ocean questioned you.

"I've just woke up give me a break," Your complaints fell on uncaring ears, "No Harbingers around then?"

"Fuck you." Ocean rolled her eyes at your question.

You had known Ocean before she joined the Fatui, and she wasn't as shy as she seemed. She was one of the most outgoing people you knew and was happy to pick a fight with anyone who crossed her path. It was only when she met a Harbinger for the first time that she decided to have fun with her new position. She decided she would pretend to be very shy and timid. After a year nobody had noticed and the two of you laughed everytime someone tried to push her around. After two years, she was being promoted to Harbinger's Assistant, setting a new record within the Fatui and still keeping up her act. After three years her Harbinger, Capitano, had figured it out and you were promoted to Harbinger's Assistant. It's impressive she's kept it up for this long.

"Anyways, you and me are going to make tea and then we are having a catch up session in your room,"

"Hold on, we have work to do we can't just hide and get away with it like we used to do when we were still recruits,"

"Oh my fucking Gods." Ocean drew a deep breathe and place both of her hands together, "I have been given the morning off after last night, and so have you,"

"I look like I've just crawled out of the Abyss, let me get ready first,"

"Afraid Dottore or Scaramouche will see you like this?"

"Y/n you get ready, Ocean and I will go make tea and Sonya go ask for the morning off, oh and bring the Fontinian wine." Sidwell ordered, quickly leading Ocean away.

You went back to your room and had a shower, you then changed into your uniform and spent some time drying and styling your hair before Sidwell, Ocean and Sonya got back.

Ocean sat on the floor in front of your bed and you all sat by her, forming a small circle.

"Okay, I'll go first, I watched Dottore and Capitano beat the shit out of Scaramouche. Like no holding back. Dottore pulled out a fucking claymore and started blocking Scaramouche's attacks. I didn't even know he had a claymore." Ocean explained.

Sonya took a sip of the wine she had just poured and Sidwell laughed at Ocean's words.

"That's nothing. Dottore stayed in my room a night ago and then we went out together, we got back and there were rumours about us being a couple and we get to the staff room, right? That whole thing goes down and I go speak to Capitano and he gives me the greatest, most self esteem boosting talk I've ever had. Then, I go down to Dottore's lab and he pulls me into his office and starts telling me all this shit like 'oh I'm a mass murderer' and 'only three of my past assistants have survived and Sidwell is one of them' and then he ends his little rant with 'if you want to leave you can I won't blame you' then he stands up and extends his arm out to me," You paused to take a drink of Sonya's wine, "You know what I said? I said no, I'm not leaving I'm staying as your assistant. So we finish our conversation and I take three steps outside his office before Ocean and Capitano waltz in talking about how Scaramouche is coming for me and Dottore. And you know what this mother fucker does? He pulls me by my arm and tells me to stay in his fucking office. Its what I found in there that shocked me, my jaw was on the floor." You took another sip of Sonya's wine.

"Did you find his porn collection?" Sidwell asked.

"He has one?"

"I don't know I never looked around his office,"

"No it wasn't that" You laughed it off.

"Does he have a drawer filled with, adult things?" Sonya asked hesitantly.

"Why are we making this sexual?"

"Was it a love letter to Sidwell begging him to come back," Ocean teased.

"Surprisingly, no." You said, "It was a pile of books,"

"They were smut books," Sidwell whispered.

"Fuck off Sidwell. I'm trying to tell my dramatic story, okay?" You sighed hoping he could tell you were joking, "Anyways, after being rudely interrupted, I'll tell you what they were. They were books about love. 'How to read your crush' and 'How to tell if your in love' along with other interesting titles. However, I noticed one was annotated, a book called 'How to ask your coworker out'."

You watched as the group around you gasped and looked at eachother with confusion.

"What were the annotations?" Ocean said, eager to find out everything she could.

"Well, I'll tell you the key at the front becuase I remeber it the best. So a red tab was for things that 'aren't applicable' in his situation. Blue tabs were for awful ideas. Black tabs were for ideas that could work. Pink tabs, had 'Y/n would never agree to/wouldn't like' written next to them."

"Oh my fucking god hes in love with you," Ocean spoke quietly.

"No shit, why do you think him and Scaramouche were fighting in the first place?" Sidwell replied.

"He does have a point, it was pretty obvious," Sonya added, raising her glass to her lips.

"What are you all talking about?" You questioned them.

They all stopped, looking between eachother in silence before Ocean sat upright.

"Scaramouche also likes you, we think the reason they have been at eachothers throats recently is because Scaramouche is jealous of you and Dottore,"

"How obvious was it?"


You buried your head in your hands as Ocean began to wheeze.

"You are as socially aware as a wooden spoon Y/n,"

"No that's not even funny. Please tell me you're joking,"

"We aren't," Sidwell said placing a hand on your back.


It was then that three loud knocks were heard on your door.

"Y/n? It's Dottore, are you alright?"


everyone in this book is officially a gossip

also don't we love the tsaritsa breaking the 4th wall

I LOVE WRITING THE TSARITSA SO MUCH ICL she may be making a return in a few more chapters 🤭


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