27. Comfort

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|Y/n POV|

He stood awkwardly in the middle of your room. Comforting was easier with Childe or Scaramouche becuase they would immediately tell you what happened, but with how The Doctor was, you weren't sure if you could get enough information to be able to help.

He seemed to be observing the room, memorising every detail of it, most likely anyways, he was hard to read afterall.

"You can sit down if you'd like," You broke the silence from your position on your bed.

He sat down with a sigh and turned to face you, "Apologies, I'm not great at things like this,"

That ws obvious five minutes ago when you came into my room.

"It's quite alright, would you prefer if we talked about your nightmare or if we talked about something else?" He seemed taken aback by your question and you couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

He seems like a misunderstood puppy.

"That... nightmare. I haven't felt like that in years, pure terror is something I rarely ever feel but that much from something my own mind created..."

"Do you want to tell me what it was about? It's okay if not, you're under no obligation to after all,"


Okay so let me piece together what I already know.

Something happened and it involved you getting hurt, it terrified him so much that he came up to check you were alright.

Dottore fiddled with his outfit and bowed his head.

"I watched you die."

That's definitely new.

"And the worst part about it is I was the one to kill you, well not me but it definitely looked like me. All I could do was watch, I was powerless. It was like I was frozen to the spot, I couldn't even speak." His breath was shaky and tears had begun to fall down his face.

You moved closer to him and slowly placed a hand on his back, the last thing you wanted to do was startle him.

"That..." You struggled to find the words to comfort him, "That sounds awful, I'm sorry you had to see that." You were stuck, you had no idea how to comfort him, but you'd try your best.

It was strange seeing him like this, last week he probably would have killed you for touching him and yet, he was here now, crying in front of you.

"If its any help at all, which I can't guarantee it will be, I'm safe. So are you. I trust you Dottore, and I know you're not the type of person to do something like that without good reason. I know you probably haven't told me everything but thank you for trusting me enough to be able to tell me."

You opened your arms out him, offering him a hug. He looked up at you, tears still rolling down his cheeks and held his arms out a little.

You took that as a yes and went to hug him, still slightly slow so he could pull away if he wanted to, but to your surprise he pulled you into him.

You were now practically sitting on his lap as he held you close as if you might disappear at any moment. Dottore buried his head into your neck, "Sorry, my mask is probably scratching you,"

"It's alright don't worry about it, if it was I barely noticed it,"

"Alright, but if it starts to hurt just say the word and I'll move,"

Oh my Gods he's adorable.

You waited for a moment, expecting him to retaliate against your remark, but nothing came.

You brought your arms up around his neck and played with his longer hair.

You heard him mumble something against your neck, however when you asked he dismissed it, simply saying he was thinking out loud.

You stayed like that for a few minutes before you realised The Doctor had fallen asleep with you in his arms.

Poor thing, he must be exhausted.

You tried to pry yourself away but his arms kept you locked in place, you would have to try to get him to lay down. After all, his back must be aching from sleeping upright.

The only problem was, he was on the edge of your bed and you were facing him, whilst he was facing the headboard of your bed.

You don't make my job easy, do you?

The only way was to have him fall onto of you and get out from underneath his body with most of his accessories on.

Not a bad cause of death: crushed to death by Harbinger, Ocean would love that one.

It took you awhile, but you eventually managed to get the Harbinger laying on his back with pillows behind his head and a blanket over his body.

You decided to sleep on the couch-like chair just a few feet away from the bed.

You watched Dottore as he slept peacefully, his chest slowly moving up and down.

You felt your heart skip a beat.

Woah. Fuck, do I like him? I know it worked out well for Ocean but she's got Capitano and he is very different from Dottore. Shitshitshit if I've fallen for him I will cry.

You crused your brain for thinking he was attractive and you screamed internally when you realised he had just fallen asleep in your arms in your room.

Stupid Dot. Curse you too for being so cute before. I know you were crying and traumatised but still!

Actually now that you thought about it, what he said didn't make sense, why would he be so upset over your death?

Unless he... no I mean the chances of him liking me back are like a million to one!

You decided you would have to accept your feelings or get rid of them, after all, you didn't want to confess to him and have him kill you for overstepping a thousand boundaries. For now it would probably be better if you kept these feelings a secret at least until you were certain about how he felt.


ah yes of course dumb (dottore) and dumber (y/n)



also HAPPY HALLOWEEN I got back from taking my sister (she's 8 and fucking adorable) trick or treating like an hour or so ago so I am exhausted but I'm hoping to get another chapter out later on


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