4. The List (Part 2)

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You were now sat in the courtyard watching the crystalflies dance around. There had to be at least nine there, so you were confident you would be able to complete this item on the list.

You looked towards the clock tower on the edge of the courtyard where one could exit.


Well you weren't getting anywhere just standing and waiting, so you adjusted your position slightly and took your coat off. You had four layers on underneath so you weren't too worried about freezing to death.

You ran towards the crystalflies who were now huddled together, swiping your coat down to catch all of them at once and swiftly closed off any exits with your hands.

Your gaze then lifted to the Statue of The Seven infront of you, you looked at the carving of Her Majesty on top of it. As a child you used to tell your parents that the carving would move  and smile at you, maybe I was right, you thought, as it seemed Her Majesty was looking down upon you with a reassuring smile.

You bowed your head and said a small prayer before pouring the captured crystalflies onto the floor as you put your coat on, then proceeding to stuff them into on of your coat pockets before continuing on towards the markets, where you could find not one, not two but three blacksmiths.

As you walked into the market you saw a few people smile at you and even a few children waved, Snezhnaya truly was the only place Fatui were welcome. Children looked up to Fatui soldiers and the Harbingers, adults admired the dedication and work that went into joining and climbing the ranks within the organisation.

You walked towards your favourite smithy, Onyx Hammer, he had known you since you first joined the Fatui, he even gave you the sword you used in your trials.

"Well if it isn't Y/n! Long time no see, you running errands for The Sixth again?"

"Hey Onyx! Yeah it's been awhile, and I actually got moved,"

"Oh? Who're you working under now?"

You paused for a moment, "Dottore,"

Onyx's mouth fell open and his eyes shot towards the piece of paper in you hand.

"Well, lets see what The Doctor wants," he said, still in shock.

You handed him the the neatly folded paper and he took a look at it,

"You can have the ten white iron for 500 mora, as for the ruin guard parts a friend of mine has a problem with a few of the pests being a bit too close to his house,"

"Thank you so much Onyx your litterally a lifesaver," taking the note from the blacksmith.

He chuckled, "Your too kind Y/n,"

He went behind his wall and began rummaging around for a moment, before returning to you in front of the counter with the ten white iron chunks and a map.

"I've marked the location on this map so don't worry about that. Now is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Actually yes! Do you happen to know what time it is?" You said placing 500 mora on the counter.

"Oh of course it's two minutes to seven,"


You laughed nervously "Thank you Onyx! I'd better get going now, see you later,"  you grabbed your goods and left immediately looking at the map first.

That's a good half hour walk then maybe 2 hours to kill the ruin guards, if you were lucky. Then 45 minutes back and then getting all the way to Dottore with all of the items needed. Whilst probably injuried from the ruin guard fight.

Wait that was easily done I mean by those calculations I should be back before half ten.


ah okay i kinda hate it but oh well the next chapter will probably be a skip to after the ruin guard fight becuase im bad at writing fight scenes 😭 also my timetable today is shit so im hoping i can get away with writing a bit in those classes but no promises
anyways i hope everyones enjoyjng it so far ik most of these chapters are fillers but it has to be done for the plot srry guys anyways love u all the world

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