13. Preperations

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The next morning came quickly and you grabbed your coat, which was issued by the Fatui, and went straight to the staff room.

As you walked in you were greeted by Pulcinella and Sonya.

"Good morning Lord Pulcinella, good morning Sonya, it's a pleasure to see you both this morning." You said, bowing slightly when addressing Pulcinella, then you moved to one of the cupboards to grab two thermal flasks.

"Good morning Luitentant L/n. Where are you going? It must be very important if you're hurrying as you are," Pulcinella spoke, his usual icy demeanor long melted, the Mayor was rather nice so long as you were in his good books, which with your services to Childe, you definitely were.

You laughed slightly at his comment, "One of Dottore's clones has asked me to do a debt collection with him,"

Somya's eyes widened and Pulcinella nearly choked on his tea, they both gave eachother a glance before their eyes returned to you. You turned back around to make two flasks full of tea for you and Ténèbres, when Pukcinella spoke up again, "Y/n. Which clone? And has Dottore approved of this? He is a bit of a control freak so it may be best not to go if he is unaware of your plans,"

That caught you off guard, so much so you nearly spilt boiling water over your hands. You had never heard Pulcinella sound so concerned, normally he was calm and wise, and a very comforting presence.

"Uh well Clone 219 offered it to me and he said he would sort it out, so I'm assuming he has talked it over with Dottore. Also I know he's a control freak I've had to work with him since Monday. So please don't worry My Lord." You decided not to tell him about the name you gave 219 and you definitely weren't going to tell him about Sunday when his errands left you battered and bruised.

He nodded to your statement and went back to drinking his tea, expect this time he and Sonya sat in silecnce.

You felt rather uneasy so you finished both flasks of tea as quickly as you could.

You bowed to the two of them as you left the room.

You made your way down to the lab with both flasks in your hand whilst also carrying your coat.

Your hands were completely full so you decided to kick the door instead of knocking. You heard large, heavy steps appraoching the lab door, uncharacteristic of Ténèbres.

You waited paitently as you heard each mechanism being undone.

The door swung open to reveal Prime, Ténèbres standing behind him.

"Good morning you two," you said with a smile and a slight bow of your head.

Ténèbres waved at you whilst Prime barely even acknowledged you.

Well at least Ténèbres is in a good mood.

"Are you coming in? Or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" Prime said giving you a nudge.

You walked in trying to hide your embarrassment.

"It's good to see you two are getting along, but becuase I don't trust this idiot to bring you back in one piece I'll be joining you" Prime explained whilst putting on his large coat, you were surprised he didn't need help as the coat seemed twice the size of him. Meanwhile Ténèbres wore a lab coat with excentuiated features decorating it, along with an unnecessary nember of belts.

He shrugged at your observations before whispering in your ear, "Clones don't get cold, also I'm very sorry about Prime having to come along,"

Don't worry about it, it's out of your control.

He read your thoughts and nodded at you before the two of you turned your attention to Prime, who was leaning against the wall watching the two of you talk whilst sipping from a flask.

"Appologies, I don't mean to interrupt, you two carry on I'll just wait, it's not like we have a deadline or anything," he said sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes, he sounded like a teacher, the really horrible kind that single kids out and always seem as if they want to be somewhere else.

You bowed your head hoping he hadn't seen your eye roll. Meanwhile Ténèbres grabbed one of the flasks from your hands and walked to the door.

"Shall we?"


also based primes attitude off the sub we had today hate him sm.
anyways tmrw i will prbbly try to correct some spelling mistakes and shit n try to write another chapter SO UNTIL THEN STAY SAFE AND I LOVE YOU ALL

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