14. Debt Collecting

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The three of you walked out of the Palace, you stood inbetween the two Harbingers, as they talked about different jobs around the lab and other subjects, but you weren't really paying attention.

"All I'm saying is if our agents can appear out if thin air and disappear into thin air, we should be able to use that to get to our destination quicker," Ténèbres argued.

"Do you ever shut up? Also we can't, we are high profile members of The Fatui, we simply aren't allowed to." Prime was clearly agitated and so was Ténèbres.

Tènèbres scoffed, crossing his arms and turning away, this stopped Prime in his tracks.

You stopped and looked back at him, Ténèbres stopped too, but refused to look back.

"There is no way I was that childish in the past," He said "Y/n I have no idea how you have put up with him this past week." He then proceeded to catch up with the two of you.

You laughed slightly at his statement and carried on walking.

"Y/n tell 219 I'm going to smack him when we get back,"

"Y/n tell Prime I will kick his ass right here, right now,"

"Y/n tell 219, if he wants to do it that way I'd be more than happy to give him a beating"

This back and forth arguing continued until you reached your destination.

219 knocked on the door and signalled for you to stand by him. Prime took a stand off to the side and leaned against the wall, looking impossibly bored.

The door opened revealing a well dressed, and intoxicated man.

He took a moment to look between you and Ténèbres before slamming the door shut, frantic shouting could be heard before the door opened again to reveal the same man with a scowl on his face.

"What do you Fatui bastards want now?" The man spat, he smelt strongly of alcohol and his breathe made you visbly disgusted.

Ténèbres looked unbothered as he began speaking, "Appolgies Mr. Russtov, but we are here about your outstanding debt, you happen to be two months behind on payment, so we are here to collect what you owe,"

The man's face turned pale, he closed the door over and shouted something you couldn't quite make out. Moments later a tall woman appeared behind him, she had a short blue dress on and seemed fed up.

"We are awfully sorry, due to... unforseen circumstances we will need an extension on our payment, I do hope you can understand,"

"It depends what unforseen circumstances we are talking about ma'am, unless it is a life or death matter we need the payment." Ténèbres replied.

The woman paused for a moment, "My mother in-law sadly passed away five weeks ago, we have been trying to plan a funeral for her, but with it being winter, we had to make quite a large deposit on the burial, meaning we cannot pay as of now."

Ténèbres was now beginning to look bored, "Ma'am, I suggest you don't lie to a Fatui Harbinger, as that can be counted as treason and you would have to be publicly executed."

You looked at Ténèbres in disbelief, unable to process what he had just said, then you caught sight of Prime, he was looking rather amused. He mouthed the words "Watch and learn," to you, which was rather hard to see due to his mask, but you were able to figure it out anyways and returned you attention to the couple stood infront of you.

"You can just say you don't have the money due to your husbands drinking problem and we will just reposes some of your items and give them back to you when your debt is paid, that would be much easier for all of us." 219 was very clearly pissed off, you assumed he knew this from reading her mind and not just a bad guess, but with the way the woman was starring at him in horror made you believe it was the latter.

"How dare you. Fatui Harbinger or not we are grieving the loss of a family member, and for you to accuse us of lying to you, disgusting."

Oh for fucks sake.

"Ma'am, I will give you one more chance to tell the truth, otherwise this will be considered a crime and the two of you will be sent to prison."

The woman scoffed, "Goodbye, the two of you can leave now, I will be bringing this up to your superior," she said closing the door.

Ténèbres put his foot in the door, "I'm afraid the only people who outrank me are Pierro and Her Majesty, and they don't deal with trivial matters such as this." He said simply easily overpowering the woman and opening the door.

Her husband who had previously retreated behind her stepped forward and pushed 219 back.

Oh fucking Archons above, that was one hell of a bad choice buddy.

You stood inbetween the two men, preventing either of them from fighting further.

"Sincere appologies sir, but you have jus assaulted a Harbinger, I'm afraid I will have to place you under arrest." You said, pulling a Luitenant's insignia from your pocket and a pair of handcuffs.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you can't do that!" His wife shouted from beside you.

"I'm afraid I can ma'am and if you step any closer you will be under arrest too, don't make this any harder than it has to be." You warned trying to place handcuffs on her struggling husband, "I suggest you let me and my superior do our jobs without hastle in future, and things won't turn out this way.

You passed her husband, who was now in handcuffs, over to Ténèbres.

"There will be agents sent over later on to collect 10,000 mora's worth of items, they will not be returned until you pay the 100,000 mora debt in full."

It was then that Prime revealed himself, pushing her husband out of Ténèbres' grip and onto the floor.

He then summoned a group of agents, there was a dozen of them. He instructed six to take the man back to HQ and throw him in prison there, the other six were instructed to reposes the necessary amount of items from the house.

He signalled for you and Ténèbres to follow him.

Once you were all well away from the house, he groaned loudly, "How did that scrawny bastard push you over 219? I thought you were stronger than that." He questioned, however Ténèbres stayed silent.

After a minute or so of silence Prime turned back to you, "Nice work by the way Luitenant, you did a surprisingly good job, better than I expected anyways," he stated, you nodded at his words, "Well I suppose I will leave you two to it, be back before 6pm and don't cause too much trouble." He said before walking off towards the Palace.



also srry abt no extra chapter yday i was so tired BUT I JUST FINISHED A MONSTER SO HOPEFULLY THERE SHOUKD BE ANOTHER ONE TODAY


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