48. His Room

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"Those things are almost thirty foot tall, it's perfectly understandable."

"Maybe, but I still don't know why I was crying, I didn't even realise!"

Dottore stopped for a moment, he turned his body to face you, "Y/n, your flight or fight response was triggered, but there's another part to that response that is overlooked; your freeze response. Your body sensed danger and your brain decided the best thing for you to do was play dead, or freeze as we call it. Your body was under a high amount of stress and your brain decided to expel that stress by crying, it's nothing to be ashamed of. The brain is so complex, and although we might not fully understand it, we are able to decipher what it does, sometimes anyway."

"Yeah, I suppose you are right." You said, also facing him, "Whatever, it's getting late, how much further is your room?"

"I suppose The Doctor is right about something that happened in my body. He couldn't possibly know anything about it becuase he's just a doctor with an overwhelming amount of knowledge on how the human body works." Dottore spoke in a mimicking tone before looking up the stairs infront of the two of you, "Depends how fast you walk, but I'd say about five minutes maybe?"

You sighed loudly, rubbing your eyes.

"Would you like me to carry you?" Dottore spoke with a kind and warm voice.

"Are you practicing for our wedding night?" You teased.

Dottore barely had a chance to react to your question as two people came bouncing down the stairs, fighting each other.

They were rolling over eachother, constantly hitting, biting, scratching and shaking eachother. It took you awhile to recognise the two, as it was hard to judge between the constant beating they were giving to eachofher.

"What did you do to it?!" The man on top shouted, but he was quickly thrown back onto the floor.

"I told you, I haven't touched your stupid hat!" Screamed the other man.

The two continued to wrestle, pinning the other down before quickly being knocked back and back on the bottom, then pushing the other off and getting on top of the of them.

It wasn't long until two of Dottores clones made their way down the stairs and stood a little bit away from the two screeching men.

One of the clones loudly drank the last of his juice before saying, "They've been like that for hours."

That clone looked no older than sixteen, he was a tall, thin awkward boy, who avoided eye contact at all costs. You quickly noticed the clones clothing and mannerisms, deciding that this was Dottore during his short time at the Akademiya. His hair was much shorter, and his face was adorned with scars, most noticeably a large burn scare on the left side on his face, it was obvious it had been hidden at one point, but at the moment, he made no move to hide it.

"Should we stop them?" Questioned the other clone.

This clone was taller and broader, he seemed much more confident. His hair was tied back in a ponytail and his sleeves were rolled up as he observed the fight.

"Nah, I'm sure it's fine,"

"Yeah you're probably right,"

Prime took a shaky breath, clearly annoyed, "Childe. Scaramouche. What are you doing?" He was training to restrain the anger in his voice, but the two Harbingers could tell he wanted to snap their necks, "I'm waiting."

Scaramouche kept a tight grip on Childe's neck, and the ginger boy was thrashing about, his face turning a sickly shade of blue, "I could ask you the same thing Dottore."

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now