6. Long Walk

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The older man who lived in the house thanked you for helping him and gave you a small bag of mora. He said if he had more to give you he would.

He was much too kind, in fact he even gave you a small pocket watch, it was a bit hard to read, yes, but it was better than nothing.

So here you were, trudging back to Fatui Headquaters, injured and a bit cold. Carrying a rather large bag of materials. It was nine before you could even reach the market, but you still had hope you would make it back to The Doctor in time, or at least before you collapsed.

And so you kept walking.

And walking.

And walking.

The snow on the ground crunching harshly beneath your worn snow boots.

You pulled you coat tighter around your body, hoping to keep in any warmth you could.

You had a few cuts and bruises, a bloody nose too, but nothing too bad. No broken bones, nothing sprained, so you doubted Dottore would care if  you told him about your injuries.

There was one thing you couldn't quite figure out though, why did he give you so long to complete the task, you weren't complaining, but still, it seemed odd.

Perhaps he thought you weren't very strong. Perhaps it was a test. Or maybe just maybe it was to try and catch you out.

If it was he was certainly clever to think that, I mean if someone was confident enough to be able to get it done within three hours, they wouldn't bother trying to rush, they'd take their time, maybe even relax a bit. Then time would catch up with them and they would come back late, then he would be able to make them into his next experiment.

Or perhaps he just wanted some alone time.

There wasn't a very good chance of you finding out anyways so you tried not to get your hopes up or spook yourself too much.

It was almost half past nine and you had finally reached the courtyard.

How in the fuck am I going to get down all of those steps.

Ah. Of course. The stairs. That would be the reason you get killed.

Here lies
Luitenant Y/N L/N

"Couldn't get down the stairs quick enough due to an injury, Dottore turned them into a robot,"

Hey, at least it was somewhat funny. Though you really shouldn't be joking about being left in the hands of a madman.

You walked through the courtyard and through the large doors that lead inside Zapolyarny Palace.

You limped through the corridors before reaching that stupid staircase that lead to The Doctor's laboratory, you quickly checked your pocket watch


Hey thats actually not all that bad.

And with that you began your descent down to the lab.


its been so long i miss him already 💔

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