♡ 100K Special ♡

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☆ Disclaimer: This chapter is separate from the main storyline ☆

You walked down to the lab with a cup of coffee in your hand. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, you heard loud laughter from the other side of the door.

You knocked harshly, and Prime opened the door, he took the coffee from your hand, "Well if it isn't, my lovely assistant." He ushered you in.

Many Dottores were waiting for you, some of them you recognised, others who waved at you, and a few gave you a genuine smile, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Prime placed his coffee down before turning to face you, "My dear," He said gently taking a hold of your hands, "It is a tradition that on our birthday none of us work, we leave everything to our assistant and even try to stop them from doing the work. However, we do give you two hours to prepare yourself,"

Your mouth fell agape, it was his birthday and you didn't have anything to give him. Thankfully he gave you two hours, but you had no idea what to get.

"When does my time start?" You questioned.

"As soon as you step out the door, however, you must take those two hours before midday."

You decided to sprint up the stairs immediately and run to Pierro's office. Once you arrived at the office you caught your breath and knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal Sidwell and Pierro both discussing some paperwork, but they stopped as soon as they saw you. You took a step forward and stood at attention, saluting The Jester before your arm returned to your side.

"Apologies, My Lord, I was wondering if I could borrow Sidwell for a few moments?" You watched as Sidwell stood up and nodded at Pierro before following you out of the room.

"His birthday?" Sidwell asked, seemingly bored.

"Yes, I haven't got him anything and he's talking about this tradition? I don't know Sidwell, I just need your help."

He nodded before digging in his pocket, pulling out a small booklet, "That should cover all of him, but a little tip, only buy a present for those you are close to, no point in buying something for a clone you've never met."

"Thank you so much, Sidwell." You left him with the booklet in your hands.

Without looking in the booklet, you decided on your first gift, Prime had a massive sweet tooth, as did Ténèbres and so you assumed the other clones did as well. You left the Palace heading for the nearest bakery.

When you walked in, the place was empty, aside from the waiter who was there when you and Prime came not long ago.

"Good morning, I take it your Dottore's new assistant?" He threw a tea towel over his shoulder and laid his hands across the counter.

"Yes, actually I am. I know it's such short notice and I normally wouldn't do this, but could you box up around a hundred and twenty-five muffins for me please,"

"What's the occasion?" He laughed grabbing a piece of paper and a pen.

"Dottore's birthday," You laughed taking a look through the booklet you were given, trying to figure out a path you could take that would take the least amount of time.

"The Doctor's birthday. Hm, so these are for all of his clones?"

"How do you know about them?"

"My grandfather used to work in the Fatui kitchens, after five different Dottores came in within an hour, he pieced things together. When I first opened shop here he would tell me all of The Harbinger's favourite foods, so I always made sure to throw a free one in whenever I could."

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