10. Meeting

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The Doctor had his back turned to you, he was inspecting the bookshelf befor him. A gloved hand running over each spine.

Okay but why's he so tall?

His outfit was intricate, and it looked very expensive. Between the glowing accessories and elaborate coat, it was all probably worth more mora than you had ever seen.

His hair was longer and styled differently, from what you could see anyway, he did have an unnecessarily large feather boa with a gold decoration at the end. From this angle you couldn't tell what it was, although you assumed it was either some sort of armour or something he just wore for the sake of it.

He chuckled slightly whilst turing around, revealing that the gold decoration was shaped like a crows head with glowing blue eyes. He also wore a different mask, this one was more bird shaped and only covered his eyes and slightly covered a small portion of the rest of his face.

"Here I was thinking you would say something first, but if you would prefer to admire my outfit I'm sure I can arrange a better time for that," he said still slightly chuckling.

Your face went red from embarrassment.

Of course he could read my mind whilst turned around.

"My appologies Lord Harbinger,"

"How do you know about my psychic abilities?"

You went silent. You didn't want to snitch on 219. Although he was slightly insufferable at least he had helped you and was nice to you.

"Hm? Not much of a talker are we? Quite the contrary to what The Balladeer was telling me, though I suppose that was to be expected, after all that brat likes to talk alot more than what he should,"

The two of you stood quietly for a moment, even though his mask covered his eyes you could feel his stare.

It was times like these you wished you wore a mask, that way he wouldn't be able to see the fear in your eyes.

"I hope you don't believe whatever nasty lies he's told you about me," He broke the silence.

"No Sir, of course not,"

"Well? Take a seat, we wouldn't want you collapsing now would we?" He waited for you to sit down opposite him before he continued, "Now, 219 tells me you fought off seven ruin guards by yourself, not bad for a measly Luitenant, the materials you gathered were appreciated. However, I hope you don't intend on coming back from every mission battered and bruised."

"No sir, my appologies"

Now I see why 219 is scared of this guy, he's fucking terrifying.

He leaned on his desk looming over you, "Do you know what happened to my last assistant?"

"I've only heard rumours My Lord"

"He decided to cave in, nearly gave away classified information to a wanted man. I killed him, turned him into one of my experiments, and left him roaming around Mondstadt. You're a smart kid, so I trust that won't be a problem. However, that doesn't mean you won't dissapoint me in a million other ways," he sighed and you didn't need to see his face to know he was rolling his eyes beneath that mask, "A fate worse than that awaits you Luitenant. Don't dissapoint me."

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