20. Busy

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You got to the lab early next morning. You knocked on the door, expecting to be let in fairly quickly.

Except there was no answer.

You knocked again. No answer.

You tried to push the door open, except it was locked tight.

You knocked once again, only to be met with silence.

Begrudgingly, you walked up the stairs and went into your office.

There was no new papers on the table.


You hadn't heard about any meetings or anything urgent any of the Dottore's would be preoccupied with.

You decided to go ask another one of the Harbingers, perhaps they had seen him.

The closest office was Pulcinella's, you were glad to see he was inside.

You knocked on the door and came in when ordered to, saluting the Harbinger.

"Y/n, at ease," You did as you were told, "What brings you here?"

"I just came to ask My Lord, do you know where Lord Dottore is, his lab is locked and I haven't heard word from him,"

Pulcinella smiled at you, "He's with Signora at the moment, it's surprising to hear that none of his clones were able to let you in to the lab. Though tbe most surprising part is he actually left his lab, of his own will too. They're in the arena if you wish to speak with them,"

You thanked Pulcinella before heading to the main arena. It was a large room in the west wing of the Palace, so it took you quite awhile to reach there.

You entered the gallery to see Scaramouche and Childe standing on the side, the sound of gunfire and a Cryo delusion could be heard below them.

Childe turned to face you, ushering you forwards, you nodded and stood at his side.

Scaramouche moved over slightly so there was enough room for you to stand between the two Harbingers.

You looked down to see Signora and Dottore sparring, Dottore was using a pistol, whilst Signora was using a Cryo delusion.

Ice closed in around The Doctor, but he moved quickly and was out of sight within a second.

He appeared behind The Fair Lady and went to strike her, before his hand was caught and he was disarmed.

He laughed before kicking Signora to the ground, turning his back.

Signora stood up quickly and got ready to strike again, before The Doctor raised his hand and signalled for her to stop.

"Enjoy the show you two?" He shouted up at the two men stood either side of you, he hadn't noticed your arrival.

Signora looked up at the three of you "I think you mean 'you three', Doctor," she said, her sly tone not going unnoticed by the man infront of her.

He turned around to face you, before extending his arm for Signora to take.

After she had linked her arm with Dottore's, the two of them disappeared, before reappearing behind you.

"You put up a good fight Signora, you are certainly ready for Mondstadt, though you should work on your timings." The Doctor laughed before turning his attention to the three of you.

"For a pair of old bastards, you two do put on a good show,"

"Aren't you older than them, Scaramouche?"

"Shut up you ginger prick,"

"Now now, play nice you two," Signora said taunting the two men beside you, "Dottore, why don't you get your assistant to deliver the weapons to my agents, that way you can keep your research going, and put your new assistant to good use,"

"Not a bad idea, however I do have clones for a reason, plus I'm sure I'll have a few new experiments to work on with them," The Doctor replied.

The two exchanged a look before Dottore turned to you, "Come on, Y/n I have work for you to be doing,"

And with that the two of you left, heading towards the lab.

Once you arrived, Dottore, who you assumed was Prime Dottore by the way he waltzed into his office, unlocked a drawer in his desk and pulled a stack of paperwork out and handed it to you.

"No lab work today, just paperwork,"

Your face dropped at the large amount he handed you.

He pulled a book out from under his desk and began reading, "Oh and Ténèbres says 'hello' he's out collecting materials. Still hurt by the fact he gets a name and I'm just Prime." He said without looking up, "Well? Get a move on. That paperwork won't do itself."


um so hello everyone tysm for reading and ty for all of your comments they litterally make my day 💙 i was thinking of doing a cheeky little q&a since we hit 2k reads so if u have any questions put them here and ill answer them =D

also i wrote a oneshot thingy for an english hmw we had to do so as soon as i get my book back (my teacher gave it to the head of english for some reason) ill prbbly post that

no more chapters for today cuz i have to do revision for my geography test (its tmrw so wish me luck)


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