9. Assistant

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The walk back to your quaters hadn't exactly been pleasant, not painful but rather uncomfortable.

The memory of that needle made a shiver run down your spine.

However, you had to admit, you were quite surprised at how kindly that segment had treated you, he seemed to be all bark no bite, for now at least.

You opened the door to you quaters to find a small purple box laying on your bed, elegantly wrapped with a black ribbon. A small note had been pushed under the ribbon and it read,

"To help with the segments
- Scaramouche"

You really didn't want to undo the ribbon as it looked so pretty, but you did so anyways and found a small notebook and quill tucked inside the box.

You took it out and flipped to the first page of the notebook where another small note was tucked between the cover and the first page.

"Thought you might need this, it certainly helped me keeping something like this. Oh and congrats, you survived your first day with Dottore, though I doubt it was Him.

Well that wasn't ominous at all. You decided to not down your experience from today with 'Clone 219' as you had decided to call him.

After writing a few notes and your opinions so far you tucked the notebook and quill away in a drawer before getting yourself ready for bed.

You were completely exhausted and pretty much passed out when you got into your bed.

You'd have to ask for blue sheets instead of purple ones now that you were working under Dottore.

《 The next morning 》

You had woken up an hour earlier than normal in an attempt to prepare yourself for your first full day as Number 2's assistant.

You carried out your usual morning routine and that took you to around quater to seven.

You left a note for later to remind you to buy a proper pocket watch as soon as you could.

After that you made sure your uniform was in good order and you weren't forgetting anything before heading to the 'Higher Member Staff Room' it was mainly for The Harbingers and their assistants.

You opened the door cautiously half expecting a few Harbingers to be in the room before realising the only people present were Pulcinella's assistant and Pierro's assistant.

"Morning Y/n," spoke Pulcinella's assistant, Sonya Solkov.

"Good to see you Y/n" said Pierro's assistant, Sidwell Bough.

"Hey you two,"

"Did you actually get put under Dottore?" Sonya questioned you.

"Sonya, please, I already told you Pierro and Prime Dottore were talking about this yesterday," Sidwell sighed, shaking his head slightly and the younger girl.

"Yeah I got put under him, also I know it's probably classified or whatever, but why were Dottore and Pierro talking about me?" You asked Sidwell, you had to admit you were caught of guard that Pierro even noticed you and nervous to find out what he was saying about you.

Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now