25. Departure

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|Y/n POV|

You were practically dragging The Doctor from the Palace all the way towards the docks.

Despite him promising Pierro, the last thing he wanted to do was leave his lab.

It got even worse when he saw the other Harbingers at the docks. He attempted to bury himself in his coat, but that only drew more attention to the two of you.

"Glad you two could make it," Pierro announced as the two of you approached.

Dottore grumbled at his words and shoved his hands in his pockets.

It was a few minutes before all of the Harbingers were gathered together and some agents emerged out of the boat.

They marched into perfect lines about two metres apart and each soldier saluted as Lady Signora walked forward.

She leaned on the railing of the ship before addressing everyone on the docks below her.

"Thank you all for coming to wish me well, it truly means the world to me, even if you were forced to, I truly appreciate it," She was glaring at Dottore, who was still hiding in his coat. "The next time you all see me, I shall have brought the Anemo Archon to his knees and have collected his gnosis. We shall be one step closer to our goal. For Her Majesty!"

The agents beside her all saluted before retreating back inside the boats quaters and Signora gave a small wave before she walked away.

The boat then began to move through the docks out towards the ocean. Most Sneznhayan ships had ice breakers at the front to easily get through the ice, but this ship seemed to have a melting mechanism using Pyro slime condensate and flaming flower stamen to create a path large enough for the ship to sail through.

You saw Capitano and Ocean walk over to you, you attempted to get Dottore's attention, but he seemed fully zoned out.

"You must but Luitenant Y/n L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you," he extended his hand for you to shake, "Ocean tells me alot about you,"

"All good I hope," you knew very well that Ocean always told Capitano how good of a friend you were.

He gave a hearty laugh, "Only the best. I would have introduced myself to you during your time under Scaramouche, but you know how the brat gets."

Yup that's about the only way you can describe the man-child.

"Speaking of, are you alright after his outburst not long ago, you looked very uncomfortable,"

"Yeah I'm fine, just glad Dottore stepped in when he did,"

Capitano nodded before looking over you at Dottore.

"Is he alright?"

"He should be, he's just a bit zoned out, I'm fairly sure he's thinking of a way to kill me after I dragged him here,"

Capitano laughed again, before he pulled a lighter out of his pocket and handed it to you.

"Wave that infront if his face, don't get too close though, I made that mistake and got bit,"

You nervously smiled at The Captain before turning to Dottore, the wind wasn't too harsh at the moment so the lighter would light.

You flicked the top open and a flame appeared, you waved it infront of his face, careful to not set his hair or coat on fire.

He moved his head up slowly, "Is the wicked witch gone?" You gave him a very confused look before you heard Capitano laughing beside him.

Capitano placed a hand on Dottore's shoulder, "There is never a dull moment with you around Dottore, and if you mean the wicked Crimson Witch then yes, she has left."

Well I think Ocean had her fun with The Captain before this.

The two Habringers began to chat for a moment, but they soon stopped and parted.

Dottore began leading you back to the Palace.

It was mostly silence before you realised you had forgotten to give Capitano his lighter back.

"Relax, he won't even notice."

"You sound angry,"

"I'm not, just thinking,"

"About what?"

"How Capitano and his assistant are so close, I mean she seems shy and Capitano is very outgoing so how they became so close is quite puzzling,"

"You want me to tell you a secret?"

Dottore turned around and looked at you, meanwhile you had an innocent smile on your face.

"Sure, why not,"

"You cannot tell anyone I told you this, Capitano and Ocean will literally kill me."

"I swear I won't,"

"They're fucking."

You continued walking as Dottore stood there, his mouth wide open.

He caught up to you relatively quickly, "How do you know?" He was immediately interested.

"I'm good friends with Ocean, and she always tells me every detail about it," You paused for a moment, "And let me just say, Ocean is one lucky woman if she's telling the truth."

Dottore seemed to think for a moment, "How big is he?"

You immediately began to laugh, "Why do you want to know?"

"I'm curious, okay?"

"According to Ocean he's about seven and a half,"

"Oh my fucking Gods"

"That's what I thought!"



Your love will be the death of me [Dottore x gn!reader]Where stories live. Discover now