chapter one

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I flung myself onto the bed, sighing heavily as my now long and unruly hair covering my eyes. my brain feels completely empty unable to conjure a thought or form a sentence. that is the thing about adulting; it is so completely exhausting, but at some point you really have to start doing it. it had been four months since bella and I moved into the Monaco apartment, I've started to do work that im actually passionate about and something that I have dreamed of doing. on paper, I should be the happiest ive ever been. but the thing with paper is, it burns quickly. I can see it in bella too. burn out.

"talk to me" i look over at bella, she places her book on the bedside table offering a small smile.

I groan rolling onto my stomach "I don't have any words left for today" my words muffled by the bedding. the bed dipped beside me and a small hand began rubbing circles on my back. an obvious effort to make me feel the slightest bit better.

"that bad huh?" she let out a small laugh.

I lift my head from the bed giving her a knowing look " and your day?" she groaned in response falling back onto the bed. i let out a laugh mirroring bella just seconds before. i push myself off the bed, watching as bella covers her face with a pillow. "ill make tea, the week is over"

bella and I first moved in together when she arrived in London, getting a job as a junior architect. it had been over 3 years since we lived in the same country. I left Australia as soon as I graduated with no intention of turning back. we both were earning enough money to live separately but there was a sense of familiarity and comfort knowing she was there. something neither of us were ready to let go of.

im halfway down the stairs, going over the schedule for next week, when the door bell rings. as I pull the door open, I realize three things;

first, my hair is all over the place

second, I am not wearing a bra

third, these shorts were simply too small when I bought them 7 years ago

im not sure who I expected. definitely not someone so happy and full of energy; defiantly not the young formula one driver smiling as if he'd just one a race; defiantly him with a bottle of champagne in hand. I could feel his eyes flick over me taking in my appearance. I roll my eyes and move to the side letting him in the apartment. Lando had moved to Monte Carlo just a few weeks before me. we spent most of our days together, either working or exploring the city.

"what can I help you with lando" I cross my arms over my chest. his eyes quickly meet mine and he shakes his head.

"well its friday..." he laughs holding up the bottle.

I raise my eyebrow

"it's the last weekend before the season starts and I thought that maybe you know... you might want to come out drinking... with Daniel and I. I know that ive kept you super busy and you don't have to come if you don't want to.... but we want you to be there" god who can say no to this kid.

he pushes his bottom lip out pouting, dangling the bottle in front of my face. I know if I say no now, lando will still go out with Daniel and I will be able to return to my cup of tea and have an early night catching up on all the sleep that ive missed. I almost go to say no, but it occurs to me: lando will winge. he will never let me live this down. not for the rest of the season.

"only a few drinks, I want to sleep"

"only a few drinks, I want to sleep"

"is that a yes?" he jumps excitedly putting his arms out offering me a hug.

I shoot him a glare, pointing my finger at him. "don't even think about it" a smirk soon works its way onto my face, earning a laugh from lando.

I turn on my heels cup of tea in hand, time to break the news to bella. I wish that I could say nights out with Daniel and lando weren't fun. that they often end up at expensive bars, full of investment bankers that attempt to mansplain the economy, leaving me alone and bored. these were often the best nights finding the dingiest bars where people won't recognise them, creating fake aliases for each other, and often getting kicked out when the bar closes. im almost certain that the three of us will soon be banned from one of these bars, the dancing on tables, buying the bar out of almost all the alcohol they have in stock, encouraging reckless ideas, it was a recipe for trouble. and yet each week the bars seem to welcome us back...

"acester" lando called forcing me to turn around half way up the stairs. "wear that... you look good" I roll my eyes, throwing my hand up flipping him off.

bellas hands shoot up as I enter the room, grasping for the mug. my eyes wonder through her wardrobe. neutrals and blacks. business casual. this was her daily attire, returning to the comfort of her pyjamas as soon as she entered the apartment. I don't know why but I kind of admired the simplicity of her work attire just needing to dress for one occasion; the office. my hands skimmed over the hangers flicking between a few different items. ive always wondered how she would dress if she didn't have the job she did now. an architect. designing sustainable living solutions in a big city, she really did have her work cut out for her.

"what are you looking for?" bella stood next to me , glancing between the wardrobe and myself. she hold the cup to her face, breathing in the warm steam. "who was here before?"


"im not going out" she huffs turning around to get back into bed.

"yes, you are" I reach for her usual black trousers, throwing them towards the bed. bringing my attention back to the wardrobe, I notice her chanel tank. this. I love this top. it brings me back to when we first moved to Monaco, we decided that we needed to celebrate by buying our first designer items. we walked from store to store, bags began accumulating in my hands filling me with a sense of pride. bella on the other hand was waiting for the perfect item. it was one of the happiest days for the both of us celebrating our achievements, but our bank accounts were crying heavily.

"fine" I take a step back, smiling, as she reaches for the clothes that ive laid out. "only a few drinks and then im coming home"

"that's what I said to lando" bella shakes her head, giving me a pointed look "what?"

"we both know that wont happen" she shrugs

"I do" I beam "I want to come home to a warm bed. a good night sleep. no hangover. ready for my last free weekend"

she frowns "ill speak to you after the third shot of tequila" her attempt at being frustrated is quickly taken over, both of us trying not to laugh.

"right well that seems like a later becky problem, im going to get ready" I hear her mumble something as I leave the room, making my way to my room. my eyes scan over the familiar items that litter the floor, quickly pull on my loose fitting white trousers and matching white bralette. I cross my arms as I stand in front of the mirror, knowing there is something missing from the outfit. I notice one of daniels black and red shirts sitting hangning over the mirror, perfect.

"becky, youre going to have to change, or youll give lando a hard on" bella shouted as I reached the top of the stairs.

"no" I shout back teasing, as I dangled the shirt for her to see. like a dog that heard its name called, lando slid into sight of the stairs. I quickly slip it on, leaving it unbuttoned in the front, as I made my way down the stairs.

"look im still not –"

"that's my shirt, what the fuck" I quickly jumped into daniels arms. after meeting during a McLaren event the three of us have been inseparable.

"it does appear that way danny" he had left his shirt here a while ago, after a night out, swapping it for an oversized jumper. (which he still has not returned to me either) by the time the night is over, he will have forgotten I even have the shirt. whats the point in returning it now? "so when are we going?"

"as soon as we finish the drinks" Daniel handed me a glass of champagne and motioned towards the shots lined up on the kitchen island. I quickly look over to bella sharing a laugh, knowing for well this wont be a few drinks and home.

"I thought I said only a few drinks and im going home" I laughed

"but lando said we were going out tonight to celebrate" a confused look plastered on daniels face as he looked between lando and I.

"the bar is her home" lando shrugged reaching for a shot glasses. 

1600 words 

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