chapter twenty seven.

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welcome to hell. population: me

yesterday bella flew out to the uk with lando and daniel, for a job she had been working on and the guys were needed at the factory. the apartment was empty and everyone had left after the gp and for the first time in what feels like forever, I was alone. well not really alone if you count the nagging, condescending voice in my head.

bella made me promise to keep my schedule busy whilst they were all away. but with nobody else watching I didnt have to hold myself accountable anymore, there was nobody relying on me to keep it together. this was the chance I had to let it all out before I had to go back to work on thursday.

but with a loud knock on the front door that chance was ripped right out of my hands. don't move. if they cant hear you, they'll think nobody is home. I pulled the duvet further over my head, snuggling down into the warmth of my bed. but there it was again, this time even louder.

"oh for fucks sake im coming" I yelled at the top of my lungs just wanting the banging to stop. my legs shaking under me as I raced down the stairs trying not to miss a single one and send myself flying. then I wouldn't have to answer the door

"what?" I flung the door open not even bothering to check who was behind it and by god I wish I had. I stared at him blankly waiting for an explanation as to why he was at my front door.

"are you going to let me in?" he raised a brown paper bag and a drinks tray with two smoothies all clearly labelled with the koko's logo.

I roll my eyes standing to the side, gesturing for him to come in "apparently this is an episode of mtv cribs so welcome. enjoy it before I kick your dutch ass out"

"ace, try to be a little less rude when someone brings you food" he mutters taking off his shoes before showing himself through to the kitchen. sitting down at the breakfast bar, he begins to pull everything out of the bag and placing a smoothing and container in front of himself.

"well this is usually when the food is cooked, so I don't know why you felt the need to come delivery any"

his laugh almost pulls a smile from me "don't act like you'd make something to eat with nobody else here"

"oh so he brings food I won't eat and an attitude I could definitely do without" I laugh sitting down at the breakfast bar next to him.

"someone needs to pull you in check at some point" I roll my eyes taking the smoothie he pushed in my direction before sending the small container back his direction, not even bothering to check what was inside. it wasn't getting eaten anyway.

"that's rich coming from the guy who is single handedly fucking his whole career just by opening his mouth" i took a quick sip of the smoothie mentally taking note of how many calories were in each mouthful and how long I had to get it back out of my body.

he raised his eyebrow staring back at me "so you think I fuck?" I hold back the urge to spit my smoothie all over him "your walls are thin, so don't be surprised daniel doesn't hear everything you and bella talk about"

"you're so....." I move my hand in a circle trying to find the right word

"fuckable?... thoughtful?" he asked gesturing to the food in front of us before tucking into the fruit he bought for himself.

"unwelcome. you can leave and take your food with you" I grabbed my smoothie off the bench and made my way to the lounge. the Netflix opening sound filled the room and I hoped he would take that as his que to leave. I scrolled through selecting the most recent season of narcos, planning to completely ignore him till he left.

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