chapter two

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I take the seat next to danny in the booth, letting myself sink into his side as he wraps his arm around me. turning my attention back to the table I grab two shot glasses, handing on to him. we clink the glass together, taking the shots of what I can only assume is vodka as it burns down my throat. my eyes linger over the crowd in front of us, confused as someone approached our table. His blue eyes meet mine, he raises an eyebrow as he checks me out – before turning to look over at danny. max verstappen

"it's good to see you"

"yeah mate, you too" daniel flashed his signature smile as pulls the max in for a hug. "have you been busy getting ready for next week?"

"it has been really busy" his blue eyes dragged over my body again. I can feel my body start to warm and my heart start to race. "I see you're getting it all out before the season starts"

my heart stats to race even faster, this time fuelled by anger and disgust. surely not.

"don't be offended, we all do it and you get to say you slept with one of us" he spoke with a smug smile. danny places his hand on my shoulder, attempting to stop me from saying something I might regret.

"max, this is Rebecca, Lando's PR" I can almost see the gears in his head turning, as his jaw drops slightly. the air becomes a little more tense as he doesn't say anything in response, his eyes not leaving mine and I wasn't going to be the one to back down from this.

"Is Kelly coming to Bahrain?" daniel thankfully broke the silence.

"no. she won't be there" max pulled his lips into a line nodding his head. his smug tone, now seeming slightly detached. danny gestured for max to take the seat next to him in the booth, sliding a shot glass over. I quickly down the shot in front of me, watching as the two drivers do the same.

"I'll be back in a minute" danny sighs giving me a knowing look as I make my way to the door. I pull the deck and lighter out of my pocket, placing a cigarette between my lips. max is the type of person I would hate to work for, the opposite to lando. max made shitty comments out of anger or spite, lando on the other hand just lacked media training, not understanding how his words could be twisted.

it was only seven and the sun had begun to set. it reminded me a lot of australian winters the sun didn't set super early and the weather remained relatively warm. I wrap the overshirt around my body. it was a lot different from winter in england and that was something i missed sometimes but wouldn't move back there. the excitement of a new city and the alcohol pumping inside of me, I couldn't be happier. everything that I had worked for was coming together.

"you know they can kill you"

"fuck" I clutch my chest, taking a deep breath, I let out a small cough, slightly choking on the smoke. his expression still somewhat unreadable, the corner of his mouth twitched the slightest bit. is he amused?

"why?" he gestured to the cigarette in my hand, his expression back to neutral.

"why not?" it was hard to explain, the mix of a teenage habit I wasn't able to kick and a sense of comfort it provided. I never really liked the taste or smell of them too much, but it was the action that brought the comfort. what began a way to rebel had soon become one of my bad habits. the memories of my teenage years somewhat bittersweet, but smoking seemed to remind me of the good ones.

he leaned against the wall watching intensely as I take another drag from the cigarette. he was so calm, quiet and relaxed, definitely cold, the complete opposite to Daniel. the complete opposite to how he made me feel.

"when did you start working for lando?"

"about four months ago now" I fiddled with the packet of cigarettes in my hand not wanting to give any attention to him.

he quickly grabbed the deck from my hands, opening it pulling out a cigarette. fuck off. he placed it behind his ear and pulled a second one from the deck. I sighed putting my hand out for him to give it back before there were none left. he turned the cigarette around and placed it back into the box.


"lucky cigarette" the side of his lips raised into a smile "you have to smoke that one last"

I rolled my eyes, my hand still waiting for him to return it. he let out laugh and started to walk back inside the bar, dangling the deck from his hand. he knew exactly what he was doing and I could feel the frustration building. I quickly followed looking like a dog chasing a treat. but he tucked the treat into his pocket, as he approached the booth again.

"I see you found her" danny laughed pointing to the cigarette tucked behind max's ear. Max slides into the booth next to me as I make eye contact with bella, glancing towards the door asking to leave. she shakes her head, enjoying my discomfort. max is sat forward leaning on the table, seemingly distracted by his conversation with danny. I quickly reached to grab the cigarette sat behind his ear but his hand caught mine before I even got close. fuck these drivers and their fast reflexes and fuck this tingling feeling his touch leaves.

"max stole my cigarettes" I groaned leaning into Lando. his body began to shake and he let out a loud laugh.

"don't act like you've not got another 5 decks hidden around the apartment" he joked as bella and danny began laughing. I could see max quickly turn to me a questioning look on his face.

"he's not wrong" bella added

"oh wow. thank you" I rolled my eyes kicking both of them under the table "now im actually offended. you both think that low of me" I huffed, both of them stopped laughing sensing that I was annoyed. "there is a whole carton" I leaned further into Lando as we both burst into laughter watching the three shocked faces around the table. max placed the deck back on the table and I immediately stashed them in the top pocket of my overshirt, flashing him a grin.

"I have never seen someone move so quickly"

"well lando, maybe I should teach you a thing or two" both the boys next to me stifle their laughter.

he laugh and half gasped " you know one day they're going to –"

"kill you" I smiled at max. I had to force myself to look away, wanting to take in every detail of his face

"and so will your driving" I laughed pointing my finger between the three of them.

1186 words

another chapter done. please vote and comment ifyoure enjoying

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