chapter twenty eight.

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the water surrounds my body, waking me up and simultaneously relaxing me. I let out a shaky breath as I pull my body up floating on the water's surface. max had fallen a asleep on the lounge and I suddenly felt alone again.

I read somewhere that spending time in the water was meant to reduce stress. im always happy when im surrounded my water. living in London was always hard, not having the ocean nearby. the city always made me feel small, my problems insignificant but the ocean allowed me to let go. it too made me feel small but in the way I was connected to something bigger.

the pool was all I could manage today. I didn't trust my body enough to go to the beach. scared the heat would overcome me or id get washed out to see and not bother to swim back.

"its quiet out here" max spoke almost in a whisper breaking my thoughts. "hi" he spoke again when he had my attention

"hi" I offered him a small smile, putting my feet back on the ground. he was wearing the same tshirt but had changed into a pair of running shorts. he kicked off his shoes before sitting on the edge of the pool opposite to me. I rested my arms on the side of the pool looking out to the garden. "when did change?"

"I had a pair of shorts in the car and I figured you would be down here" I could hear him lightly splashing the water.

"how so?"

"I think if you could live in the water you would" silence falls over us after his words. I take a quick glance back at him. his shirt now discarded messily next to him, the sun highlighting his toned body as he leaned back on his elbows. I ducked my head under the water, holding my breath till I was beside him. I resumed the same position as before but this time watching him as he relaxed.

he pulled out a deck of cigarettes and a lighter from under his shirt, placing one between my lips. like all those weeks before I leant forward as he struck the lighter, watching him intently as he focused on my lips. putting the lighter away he turned his attention back to the garden surrounding the pool as I took long drags of the cigarette.

"max" he turned his head slightly to look at me. "why did you say that?"

"it doesn't matter the weather, your first stop every time we check into a hotel is the pool. whenever you're back home you go straight to the beach or out by the pool" he lowered himself into the pool next to me as he spoke, but my eyes remained focused on where he had been sitting. "you grew up near the ocean didn't you?"

"I went down to the beach everyday"

I think it was the one thing besides el that I missed the most when I was in London. but there here the beach couldn't be more than at fifteen-minute walk from my apartment and with the pool here too I really couldn't complain.

"do you always pay this much attention?" I rest my head on both my arms watching him.

"I pay as much attention as you do but I don't feel the need to fix people's problems for them"

I let out a dismissive laugh, shaking my head "then why are you here?"

my back arched as he traced his fingers lightly over my spine. "you help everyone else but you don't seem to want to help yourself" blunt. he never lets people's feelings get in the way of telling the truth. whilst I find it completely infuriating its also somewhat... refreshing. I just cant help but think about his poor pr team.

without another word he pulled himself up the edge of the pool. I couldn't help but stare at the way his arms tensed. most of the drivers are undeniably hot and I just happen to score myself a front row seat. he threw his tshirt over his shoulder.

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