chapter eight

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bella in fact did not disappoint with the outfit choice. a backless black mini dress, only just long enough to cover what was needed.

she straightened the back of my hair whilst I finished touching up my makeup, her fingers running through my hair slowly calming my nerves. once I finished my makeup, she tied up the silk scarf creating a sort of hat.

"have I done this up too tight? the blood not circulating to your brain or have you just forgot how to breath?" she nudged my shoulder

"I haven't forgot, just simply hoping if I hold my breath for long enough, ill pass out and won't have to go today" I stared emptily into the mirror in front of me.

"well its too late and you're about to be late" she shoved my bag, laptop and diary into my hands basically forcing me out the front door. I turned on my heels to argue but was just met with a dangling pair of house keys. "I might not be here when you get home" with that she shut the door, leaving me no other option.

I shake my head and exhale deeply. the warm of Monaco embraces me once I hit the street, silently thanking myself that I wore something weather appropriate and not just thought about what I looked like. my hand was shaking as I placed a cigarette between my lips. I had replaced my regular zippo lighter with a small black bic lighter, forcing my mind away from memories of ben, and replacing it with the night max lit my cigarette. the way he held his hand to block the wind, watched my lips, the eye contact. it was enough to dissipate the nerves.

that was until I reached my hand up to knock on the familiar door.

my eyes meet lando's apologetic ones as he answered the door. his gazes traces over my outfit before his lips turn up into a small smile, giving me a knowing look. he knows exactly why I've made such an effort.

I take the cigarette out of my mouth holding it up silently asking where I can put it out. he gestures next to the door and sure enough he'd put out an ashtray. it was the exact same one I had bought for my house. my heart warmed at the small gesture.

he opened his arms pulling me into a warm embrace "we could've gone to yours" he spoke softly, kissing the top of my head. nobody ever saw the way ben and I fell apart; they just knew we ended things. lando didn't need to be there to pick up the pieces, I had done that even before the relationship finished.

"its really okay" I shook my head walking down the entrance way through to the lounge area. he followed closely behind me and I could sense the nervous energy radiating off of him. although I might be dreading seeing him after all of this time, there was a feeling of eagerness.

"becks?" his eyes travelled over my body taking in more detail than lando had. he seemed rattled, boosting my ego a little bit. he was sat on the lounge seemingly like he didn't know what to do with himself.

I take another calming breath before replying "ben chilwell"

he stood up from the lounge looking between lando and myself "what are you doing here?"

I could ask you the exact same question....

"mate, she's worked for me since she left" lando stepped in moving closer to my side in an almost protective manner. I found myself becoming more fond of this side of him, acting as an older brother even though he was younger.

"mason never told me. I assumed you just worked in f1" his eyes softened and reached his arm out towards me.

"that's because I didn't think it was relevant" mason pulled me into a tight hug, blocking ben from reaching me. "I've missed you becky" he spoke softly onto my head. mason was the one that introduced me to lando, we were good friends when I was at Chelsea but eventually drifted after I left. according to lando he still reached out asking how I was doing.

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