chapter seventeen

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the first thing I feel when I wake up is the room spinning. 

the second thing I feel is the grumbling of my very empty stomach.

the third thing is complete confusion.

where the fuck am i?

I looked around at the room, the bare walls glaring back at me giving no indication of where I am. it was like nobody lived here, nothing on the walls, the room empty beside two small bedside tables sitting either side of the bed.

I groaned picturing the events of last night, how I went to the pub with ben and his friends, hoping to settle back in with the group. I remembered quickly how much I disliked the group as they began talking poorly of girls they had 'bedded', making me feel quite uncomfortable.

the conversation died as soon as mason arrived turning to topics I felt more comfortable engaging it, but none of them seemed to make the effort to engage with me and ben didn't seem to mind. as he got caught up in conversation with his mates, he seemed to forget that I was there.

we had agreed to leave at 9, wanting to spend the rest of the night together as I was due to fly out on sunday. after I announced to the group that we would be leaving shortly, ben spoke up in front of everyone telling me to head home and he would be staying for a while longer. I remember the way embarrassment bubble through my body, the tears threatening to spill. when I took myself outside to have a smoke and calm down, unsure what to do with myself, mason approached me asking me to stay and try to enjoy my night.

but what in the fuck happened after that? the only thing flashing through my mind is round after round of shots. going drink for drink with grown men, after not eating all day may have not been one of my brightest ideas but it made all the sense at the time.

this was an all too familiar feeling

ben had not spoken to me for the rest of the night, explaining that he felt embarrassed by me and that I should know to behave better in front of his friends. mason had made the effort to keep me company through the night before putting me in the passenger seat of a familiar car.

the unlived in room finally making a lot more sense. all of the drivers got given apartments near the factory to stay in when they had work there. I took a deep breath preparing myself from the lecture that was waiting on the other side of that door. I fling the covers off of my body, sending my phone across the room making a loud noise as it bounced across the floor.

"oh for fucks sake" I groaned. the room seemed to float as I sat up in the bed, lazily slinging my legs off the side. every time I seemed to get my footing to stand up my body just wouldn't cooperate.

"acester are you okay?" i grimaced at the sound of his voice through the door. he locked lightly on the door before opening it.

"what am I doing here?" I groaned rubbing my eyes, but the lack of mascara tells me that i must have removed my makeup before going to sleep.

"mason called me to come and get you." he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the door frame.

"I wasn't even that drunk" I could feel myself start to get frustrated with him but my mind was more focused on keeping my heavy eyes open.

"you're really drunk"

"I'm not really drunk" I let my head fall into my lap, finding the only position to make the room stop spinning.

"Rebecca its ten in the morning and you're still drunk. you should just be happy mason called me and didn't leave you there like ben did"

"what? what the fuck?" i stood myself up almost losing my footing. I held onto the edge of the bed for stability. he moved forward holding onto my arm encouraging me to sit back down on the bed. "fuck you lando"

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