chapter four

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my heart sped up as we approached the restaurant, it was a place that I could afford if I didn't eat for the next month. lando insisted on paying for my share of the meal, knowing the rest of the drivers loved the privacy and he wanted me to join. that's the life of a driver; large salaries, fancy restaurants, and expensive nights out. he gives me a reassuring smile as we walk through the doors.

the hostess leads us towards a table in the back corner where some of the other drivers are sat. my eyes scan over the other tables as we pass, each speckled with fancy-looking dishes. the seating wrapped around an open kitchen in the middle. daniel waves us over, with a big smile on his face. lando was quick to take the seat next to daniel, leaving only one seat left.

pierre stood up pulling out the seat beside him. the top two buttons of his shirt were undone, sending my brain into overdrive. one thing you could never fault him on, was his ability to dress. he paired the beige linen shirt with loose white linen trousers, similar to mine. I regret looking back up to his face, his smirk send heat straight to my cheeks.

"acester" he pulled me for a hug, kissing my cheek. " j'aime quand tu me regardes comme ça"

"essaies-tu de me baiser?" Charles raised his eyebrow at me, a slight smirk on his face. "J'oublie que tu parles français" he let out a chuckle. I turn to the rest of the drivers; having forgotten they were there. lando sat across from pierre with a slight scowl, and daniel across from myself with a smirk.

"acester, this is alex and george our regulars" he pointed to the two men at the other end of the table, they both gave warm smiles. "this is lewis, our special addition for tonight"

lewis put his hands up defensively "george asked me from vegan restaurant recommendations, I wasn't going to miss out"

I turn towards him and glance down at his outfit. his white Valentino shirt sat loosely over a pair of white linen trousers. I stifle my laugh as I notice george is wearing a pair as well. "this was coordinated really well" I gesture between the four of us.

"the best dressed side of the table" lewis added as he noticed as well. my breath hitches as I feel pierre's hand trace lines on the top of my spine. subtly was defiantly not any of the driver's strong suits.

"we really didn't have to go to a vegan restaurant" I attempted to draw my thoughts away from pierre.

"don't be silly, its good to have lewis around too" george wrapped his arm around his team mate. "maybe we can do this more often"

the table broke off into separate conversations and I turned my attention back to lewis. "I'm going to have to get more recommendations from you throughout the season"

"that wont be a problem, does McLaren have any good options?"

"they have a lot of vegetarian options, but only vegan option is a salad, a pretty shit salad" lewis snickered at my obvious annoyance. "Ive had to pack food anytime I go to small events or testing"

he laughs again "just pop down to Mercedes and I can hook you up with something good, you just can't wear your McLaren uniform if you want to come in"

"lucky I don't have a McLaren uniform, I work directly for him" I try to not sound too excited as point over to lando, who was deep in conversation with pierre and daniel.

"well the best food in the paddock is waiting for you at Mercedes then" he leant back in chair smiling.

"how are you so certain it's the best? you're really hyping this up"

"I designed the menu, so I will be offended if you think McLaren's shitty salad is better" his smile was contagious.

as I continue to talk to lewis my mind focuses back to pierre's hand still resting on my back. I couldn't help but lean into his delicate touch and I can feel his gaze over at me. "pierre wont be able to make your legs shake like that" I could almost hear the dutch accent in the back of my mind.

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