chapter thirty eight.

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Monaco. home sweet home.

usually when the flight touches down my nerves calm and my hands stop shaking but this time, they remained trembling and my heart rate if anything had increased. my breathing districts slightly and I feel my throat getting tighter again but I try to keep a confident mask on. Max had offered to fly daniel, lando and myself back to Monaco, as bella would be going back to the uk and el back to Australia.

a small shake takes over my body as I walk down the stairs onto the tarmac, my eyes still focused on my phone in hand. I couldn't yet to bring myself to actually click on the article that begun circulating Australian media stations.

mother of formula one's favourite pr manager Rebecca acester, brought to tears over treatment at Canadian grand prix

Rebecca acester's mother Catherine acester a well know philanthropist from Sydney and her father Richard acester name partner at Gilbert + Acester, sydney's leading law firm were missing from the paddock on sunday. Catherine was spotted in tears walking through the paddock saturday after qualifying and did not return.

Catherine Acester tells WHO, she did not feel welcome in the paddock and was made to feel uncomfortable by the hostile environment she was met with when visiting her daughter.

C.Acester tells us she has not spoken to her daughter in over five years, after she left Australia, moving to London. she believed this weekend would be a chance for the family to reunite, but it had the opposite outcome. Catherine says since the family arrived, they did not feel welcome.

she says since her daughter has started to work in the sport, it has been upsetting to the family to read the rumours that circulate the young pr agent and wanted to check in on her wellbeing.

Catherine says that her daughter was "abnormally high-strung" and the family worried about her mental state. she admits race weekends are understandably high pressure for all people involved but was surprised at her daughters state.

she reveals there was a disagreement between mother and daughter after a family dinner friday night. attempting to make amends saturday she was told to "get out" by Rebecca, who also told her brother, Patrick, Junior partner at Ashurst Australia, to "shut up". The family decided to not attend the race on sunday as they didn't want to add stress to Rebecca. however, youngest daughter Elanor was reportedly with Rebecca and Lando in the McLaren garage on sunday.

my eyes scanned the article over and over again, shocked by the words that I was reading. it was unlike my mother to divulge family drama like this but it wasnt out of character for her to retaliate in a big way.

the three boys headed toward their cars, ready to go home. Lando was stood keys in hand waiting for me as I slowly walked behind. he was meant to be dropping me home but I couldn't think of anything worse than getting in that car. he would pick up on my mood instantly and I know tears would just start to flow the second he asks what is wrong.

"hey, im actually just going to wait here. tobi just messaged me that he was in town and would pick me up if I wanted to stay the week in Switzerland with him" I lied straight threw my teeth. it wasn't unbelievable. I met tobi when I first moved to the uk and we became inseparable but he moved to Switzerland just weeks after bella moved into my flat in London. we caught up a few times since but between our work schedules it was hard to find the time.

"are you sure?" I nodded as he threw his bag into the backseat of the car "did you want me to wait?"

"no its okay lan. go and get a good sleep. we both know you need it" I gave him a small smile which was all it took for him to leave me in the carpark of nice airport I quickly pull my phone from my pocket ordering an uber straight to my apartment.

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