chapter twenty two

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Monaco. the most well-known grand prix of the entirely calendar and easily the busiest. the week was packed with events even before the race weekend began. anyone who was someone was sure to be in the country. the harbour was packed and the streets were bustling.

mclaren had made sure to pack the schedule full this week, press events, merch drops, interviews, team dinners and a gala on monday evening to finish the weekend off. which meant that the little time I was back home, I was not able to fully enjoy. but there was one thing I couldn't complain about though.

bella had been given the week off of work and lando had arranged for her to do 'work experience' with me, meaning she would be able to attend all of the events with me.

it was easy to see that the pressure of the weekend was getting to all of the drivers, everyone wanting to do well with the whole world watching them on a track that was notoriously hard to overtake on. lando was no exception. he had been training overtime and getting very few hours of sleep, meaning that anytime we stopped to sit for just a minute, his eyes became heavy and he was out cold within seconds.

I set up the spare room for lando as he had max, mason and ben staying over at his place. he was able to get a bit more sleep here as I knew his schedule inside out, sending him to bed even earlier than he normally would just trying to counter the hours he would have to put in the next day. he complained like a little child, but within seconds of his head hitting the pillow he was asleep.

the three of us being in the apartment together was defiantly doing some good at rebuilding my relationship with my best friends. but it was obvious to them I was still going through the same struggles with ben. it had been two days since we were both in the country together but each time I had a free hour, he was too busy wrapped up in the glam of Monaco race week.

but today was the day that I confronted that

"you've been avoiding me" the words spilled out of my mouth as he opened lando's front door. he screwed his face up not making a move to let me through the doorway. just standing there staring straight down at me. his whole demeanour was slightly unsettling but it wasn't going to change the conversation we were well overdue for. I pushed past his arm that was blocking the door walking straight into the lounge room and taking a seat. demanding answers.

"I haven't been avoiding you I have just been busy and every time I am free you don't seem to make time for me" I feel my heart start to beat harder; annoyed at his words

he stood in the middle of the lounge room ready to walk away from the conversation the second he was unwilling to continue it. it makes me wonder if this was something that my parents had taught him; just walk away if you don't want to hear her anymore. she will eventually drop it.

"that is not fair and you know it. I am the one that is working. my schedule is insane and the in the small moments I am meant to be having down time, I find myself wanting to spend them with you but youre out with whoever, doing god knows what. actually you know what let me look that up, because every headline im reading is all about how you've been seen at certain clubs leaving your suspected 'girlfriend' behind"

he pulled out his phone scrolling quickly typing away before sliding it back into his pocket. my eyes began stinking as tears started to fall. but there was no reaction from him, still unbothered with the whole conversation. it felt like I was back in London crying on my side of the bed, he was watching youtube videos on his phone, ignoring the way the bed shook with my whimpers.

"I don't know why you keep implying you're not my girlfriend. what do –"

"because you never fucking asked" I shouted, standing from my seat. "you never fucking asked me and you most certainly don't treat me like it. do you even love me?"

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