chapter eleven

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lando's promotional posts for the next week were almost complete just needing photos from the races to be added. it was 11pm and I had not stopped working since ben left, I should've slept but I just couldn't.

it wasn't unusual for me to not sleep through the night, distracting my mind with work. I tended to overwork myself, staying up late, not sleeping properly and then crashing out anytime I sat still for too long. I am fully aware that this isn't the healthiest habit, but I make sure I fuel my body properly.

trying to make as little noise as possible, I made my way to the kitchen pulling out the coconut yoghurt from the fridge. lando had been to the shops before I came over picking out the necessities; coconut yoghurt, oat milk and muesli. I pulled out three bowls from the cupboard before tipping some yoghurt and muesli into one and cutting up some fruit, scattering it between the three. I put the other two bowls in the fridge and took a seat on the lounge.

in between bites I fiddled with my phone, ben should have already landed in London, but there was nothing but radio silence. maybe he was just stuck at customs. it was hard saying goodbye to him, he seemed quite reluctant to leave, but with me leaving in the morning there was no reason for him to stay in the city.

"acester?" lando stood in front of the kitchen counter rubbing his eyes

"norris, what are you doing up" I tucked up legs up, sitting cross legged on the lounge as I took another bite of my muesli.

"I couldn't sleep" he sighed taking a seat on the lounge next to me. "im loving the promotion though, no more kid just Norris now"

"oh I can go back to calling you kid if you'd like" I laughed softly "there is a bowl of fruit in the fridge for you if you'd like"

he jumped off the lounge making a b-line for the fridge. it seemed as if he hadn't eaten in hours but he most defiantly has I cooked for him not even 2 hours ago. he sat back down on the lounge flicking his legs up on my lap.

"I much prefer Norris" he spoke with his mouth full of food

"hmmmm we will see" I mumbled leaning back against the lounge

"come on becky tell me whats going on up there. if that big brain of yours is busy with whatever this is, my whole life might burn to the ground" he laughed sitting up a bit further.

"first of all, you life will genuinely fall apart and burn to ashes if I wasn't around, I don't know how your mother managed with you as a kid. secondly, I have amazing work life balance. thir-" lando kicked my leg interrupting me.

"unless you consider smoke breaks, sleeping during the day, and not having a day away from your client in the last few months, good work life balance. I would have to disagree with you there" his smile reached his eyes, knowing that he was right.

"uh... yeah okay. well point three was that; its my job to not leave anything to worry about, so kid go back to bed and ill have everything sorted before we leave in the morning" I took the last bite of my muesli before taking both of our bowls to the kitchen and placing them in the sink.

"you miss him don't you?" he leant against the counter, watching as I washed up the two bowls.

"I think I do, its just a weird feeling really. it felt that everything had gone back to normal" I sighed turning the lean on the other side of the kitchen island.

"him being that affectionate toward you was never how you were back in England"

"it was for quite a while, before things changed. but I was just so happy this past week and what if that is all I get?" I could feel the tears threatening to fall. I leant down to the counter covering my face in my hands. he walked around the island pulling my body to his in a tight hug.

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