chapter six

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"just wear the black one, I want to go" lando groaned from the other room of the hotel suite. I had insisted that I would go with olivia and Sophia from the teams media department, but he insisted and had been waiting almost an hour for me to get ready.

lando and I had been sharing a hotel suite, which we would most likely do for the rest of the season. it worked out to be more convenient as i could make sure he was getting up and to the track in time. the suite had two rooms with a small lounge and kitchen area in the middle, reminding me somewhat of the apartment that I shared with bella in London.

looking at myself in the mirror I tugged on the hem of the black mini dress, contemplating changing again. it was hard working in a male dominated work place, constantly wondering if my outfits were professional enough, especially given the lack of uniform. but tonight, was a night out; professionalism somewhat pushed to the back of my mind.

"are you sure its not too much?... or too little?"

"acester there will be other girls at the club, showing whatever they think can get the nearest drivers attention." he said taking another sip of his beer.

"you are not bringing one of them back here" I glared finishing my vodka red bull that I had left on the counter.

"if you go home with someone its only fair game" he laughed

"this whole suite will smell of sex and knowing you, you wouldn't have the heart to kick her out and she's still be here when I get home in the morning. all love sick wanting you to invite her to the next race" lando raised his eyebrow and a smug look crept onto his face. "what?"

"you said when I get home"

"yeah" I poured myself another shot of vodka, throwing it back hoping for it to kick in quickly.

"so who are you going to go home with? pierre?" one minute he is opposed to it, sending me glares anytime I looked at the Frenchmen, now one beer down he seems to be encouraging the idea. I shrugged my shoulders, attempting to gauge his reaction. nothing.

lando gave me a cheeky smile as he pulled me towards the door "let's just see where the night takes us. this weekend has been a shitter and I just need to get drunk"

we both climbed into the backseat of the uber and lando continued his interrogation about how I wanted the night to end. this night wasn't to just put the back weekend behind, but celebrate the start of the new season. hopefully a season that would quickly improve.

there was nothing I missed more about a night out in the uk than going to a shitty pub, ordering house wine, and chatting shit with my friends. but no. f1 drivers don't do shitty pubs, pubs are clubs and it comes with a secluded vip area, expensive drinks, and lots of people watching.

the club was filled with bodies moving to the music, most of them trying to get as close to the vip section as they could. music pounded from one side of the club where the DJ stood in a small stage, opposite from the bar. the bar was littered with men in suits obviously trying to seem important.

the drivers appeared to be completely in their element, it was evident who was new to the scene. the sheer differences between life before F1 and life in F1 never ceased to amaze me. everything seemed to change overnight.

this was it.

lando and I made our way into the vip section sliding into the booth next to olivia, Sophia, daniel, and a few other team members I didn't recognise.

"shots!" olivia shouted sliding the tray of glasses over. I internally laughed knowing any plans lando and I had for tonight weren't going to happen, we would simply just crash out fully clothed once we got to the suite. lando took 2 consecutive shots, daniel and I laughed following his actions. the club began filling even more, it seemed that people found out some of the drivers were here and flocked in numbers to the club. it was nice to have the two girls joining us, I was in desperate need of some girl time. time away from daniel and lando.

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