chapter thirty six.

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I double check over my makeup in the mirror to make sure there weren't any imperfections. max reaches from beside me to do up the top pocket zipper of my overshirt.

"I like this one" his hands run down the sleeve. a small chuckle left my lips knowing he would retract that statement as soon as he knew who got it for me.

"I thought I would start to make more of an effort" I flash him a wide smile. I slightly lift the matching pant leg to tie up my orange dunks, sliding my sunglasses onto the top of my head. before I could even turn around to collect my stuff, max held out my bag and water bottle.

"I really like the orange theme you've got going on" he checks his watch tapping on it's face. "we don't really have time for this discussion again. so let me quickly run through it as you get ready to walk out that door. you say it's not orange, it's papaya. I say it is orange and we go back and forth for a bit, till you tell me to fuck off" he continues ranting gabbing another croissant from the table of food we ordered. "just admit that you like watching me win"

"woah" I put one hand up in an attempt to stop his rambling "it is orange" I give him a soft shove, my hands embarrassingly lingering on his arm. his smile makes his eyes crinkle and it doesn't leave his face till we meet lando in the hotel garage. he offers us both a quick goodbye before getting into his car.

lando throws his body into the car, facing me immediately. "when you ignored my text this morning about max, he was still in bed next to you wasn't he?"

I pull down the mirror checking my makeup once again. lando watches attentively, adjusting the thick mclaren hoodie that engulfed his body.

"I just needed the support that was all"

"what about me? I was there all lonely in my room. I could've done with cuddles and breakfast in bed"

"well next time you need someone to support you, I will make sure to send max into you. but he wont coddle you like I do. he will tell you how it is and I wont come boost your ego when he knocks it down" my eyes focus on the rear view mirror, reversing out of the carpark. it wasn't a long drive to the track but I was excited to have this time alone with lando.

"here I was thinking you were going to be there to make me feel better" his lower lip poked out.

"its not my fault that you wouldn't be able to handle the reality check" I poke his chest

he quickly jabs me in the ribs "I think im going to have to start faking sick, so you'll feel bad and maybe bring me soup in bed"

"you know if you were actually sick I would. I'd even make the soup myself"

lando laughs "I think im scheduling a sick day next week and I would like to request chicken soup please"

i laugh rolling my eyes at the young driver. I used the buttons on the steering wheel to turn up the volume, and bassline junkie blares through the speaker. both of us scream the lyrics at the top of our lungs as we pull through the gates to the track. we both fold over with laughter as the song finishes.

"what did max say about the outfit?" lando raises his eyebrow as we both got out of the car

"he liked that it was orange" I laughed again. it was nice having such a care free morning but I knew the rain would come soon enough.

"I would love to see his face when he realises" lando let out a chuckle. he threw his arm around me in a quick but tight hug, before running off to catch up with daniel.

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