chapter ten

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Ben spread the avocado over the toast and sprinkled tomato on top, moving with ease through the kitchen. There was a joy in how he did it, as if for a moment he was happily absorbed by a feeling of love that played in his subtle smile and soft gaze. Then he brought it over, his, mine and bella's, the breakfast that became a part of the rhythm of our routine this week. he wasn't staying at the apartment but he made sure to always be here in time for breakfast in the morning. For the first in a very long time, I was reminded of the future we had planned together, the future that I wanted.

when I got home from the beach that day bella had more than expressed her concerns knowing just how much he had torn me apart before. she looked up at him as he placed the plate in front of her and I could see her soften. she was coming around to the idea of him being back in my life... back in our lives.

remembering why I fell in love with him was the easy part; it's being able to let go of the way he treated me and the insecurities that came with that proved to be harder than I first thought. this did not stop him though; he was making every effort to prove to me how much he wanted this to work. watching him make an effort with lando and daniel made my heart warm, and watching him win bella back over almost made me melt there and then.

"what time is your flight" bella spoke clutching her tea in her hands. it was an abrupt reminder that life was going back to normal tomorrow; ben back to the uk, bella working here in London, and I would be flying to bologna with lando.

"ahhhh... half six, so I will be leaving at three, half three" his eyes didn't lift from his phone as he checked the flight details again. I sunk back into my seat not wanting to think about it any longer.

"and you?" bella nodded in my direction.

"I would have to leave at about half three, tomorrow morning" they both nodded turning their attention back the plates in front of them. "im going to stay at lando's with daniel tonight though, I don't want to wake you in the morning and it is just easier for the car to pick us all up from the same place"

although I aimed my justification at bella, it was really meant for ben. this was something that we had done previously if we had an early flight and given lando has the spare room it just seemed to make sense. I could ben stiffen in his seat obviously uncomfortable with the idea, whilst bella gave me a confused look but nodded once she caught onto what I was doing.

"thank you, you know I cant go back to sleep once im up" she tried to ease the tension at the table but it didn't seem to work. "do you want to go to the beach today? we can invite lando, mason and daniel"

ben's mood seemed to pick up at the idea, a small smile made its way to his face. I could tell that he too was enjoying being so close to the beach, not having that opportunity a lot in the uk. we would often plan holidays to beach locations when he got time off, enjoying every moment in the sun. we had spent most days this week at the beach when I hadn't been working or training with lando. it was nice to go back to the start.

"ill send them a text, should we say meet in an hour?" both of them nodded along with the idea finishing off the food before ben cleared the plates.

high performance athletes

beach in a hour

bring mason

the kid

im busy

with who

you don't have friends

the kid


smelly belly

bring him

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