chapter thirty two.

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I upload the video I edited from the weekend in Baku, to lando's Instagram where many of the drivers made guest appearances. the comments were flooded with praise for both mclaren drivers' performance, having made it into the points. but whilst positive, they served as another reminder the team wasn't going to be competing for the constructors championship this year.

It was hard work editing the video as there seemed to be a lingering tension throughout the higher ups, causing an uneasiness in the garage, forcing more pressure on the drivers and it was apparent in many of the clips. while the pressure seemed to be put onto both the drivers, something more seemed to be weighing on daniel's mind over the weekend. It was hard seeing someone with such a bubbly personality be weighed down so much by the team and it wasn't something I wanted to stand by and watch.

I raised my hand knocking lightly on the hotel door in front of me, hoping that the Australian had not gone to bed yet. the door handle jingled slightly before opening to reveal him looking slightly dishevelled in pyjama shorts and a black tshirt.

I offered a small smile before pushing passed him and into the room. his clothes were neatly folded in his case, ready for the early flight we would all be getting to Canada in the morning. but the rest of the room was completely out of sorts.

"what's going on?" he rubbed his hand over his face, going back to where he had been lying in bed.

"we should talk dan" his face softened at my words and lifted the blanket on the other side of the bed. I sat down facing towards him, crossing my legs, wanting to see his full reaction to my words. "you need to tell me what is going on and if there is anything I can do to help? I know I don't technically work with you but I do care about you and I miss seeing you happy"

he let out a deep breath, leaning back into the pillows. "I don't know what is going on but something feels off with the team"

"yeah I noticed that. do you think it is just an increase of pressure for you both to perform?"

"it feels like there is something else. I'm doing everything I can to push and achieve the best for the team but I honestly cant get there with the car that they've given us" as soon as he looked into my eyes I could see the exact same burn out that I have been facing too.

"if you're giving it everything dan, that is all you can do." I rubbed his arm slightly in offer of support, not knowing what else to offer in this situation.

"that isn't always good enough though. I feel like the team has been off with me since the start of the season and if I don't improve soon I honestly don't know what is going to happen" my heart began aching as his tone was quiet and wavering as if there were tears soon to come.

"have you spoken to anyone about this? I know the team probably isn't the best idea but it is helpful to have someone to talk to about everything"

"yeah, I didn't want to mention it to anyone in the team or lando as I didn't want them to feel awkward, but I have spoken to my parents quite a lot over the past few weeks to try and gain a better perspective and I also spoke to ..."

"bella" I nodded finishing the sentence he planned to leave open.

"when did you find that out?" he turned to me with wide eyes

"I know bella all too well. when she said she would be visiting the two of you in woking and I hadn't received a three page essay on how annoying lando is, I knew that she would be staying with you" I joked trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

"don't get too confident with you detective skills because I know exactly who has been staying at the apartment while bella was away" he flashed his signature wide smile trying to get me to break.

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