Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Cryptids and Mythological creatures were real? What would that be like? How would they affect the environment? How would they be classified? Find out in this encyclopedia that mysteriously appeared fro...
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Animal Class: Marine Mammal
Diet: Herbivorous
Hippocampus are faster swimmers than Merpeople and thus have been domesticated by Merpeople for transportation.
Like Merpeople, Hippocampus have the ability to breathe underwater despite being Mammals.
Hippocampus are fully aquatic and never leave the water. They are currently the only known Equine that has this characteristic.
They are born very small, being about 15 inches long at birth and it takes them about 6 to 8 years to reach their adult size.
Like Horses, Hippocampus come in variety of colors with green, brown, gray, blue, and black being the most common colors.
While the flippers on their legs appear to be very soft, they are actually hard enough to cause massive damage to ocean predators like Sharks and Akhlut.
Merpeople don't choose the Hippocampus that they ride, they allow it to choose them. They will know which one chooses them because it will rub its tail fins against their's.
Hippocampus live in every ocean and sea across the world, but domesticated ones are becoming a more common sight in the freshwater that Merpeople have moved into.
Hippocampus can live for up to 60 years. ( Meaning Merpeople that ride them will have multiple different ones throughout their lifespan)
Like other Equines, they live in herds that can vastly different in numbers.
Lone Hippocampus ( which are usually ones that were kicked out of the herd for trying and failing to overthrow the leader) are often spotted in the company of Dolphins.
As the previous facts suggests, Hippocampus herds are led by one individual and any Hippocampus that tries and fails to overthrow them as leader is exiled from the herd. There have been many cases where that exiled Hippocampus was eventually allowed back into the herd, but it's almost always after several years have passed.
Just like Merpeople, there are rumors that a much more savage and aggressive type of Hippocampus lives at the dark bottom of the world's ocean. The rumors also say that these Hippocampus are Carnivorous.
Other highly intelligent creatures all the way from Humans to Minotaurs have tried to domesticate Hippocampus and all of these attempts have ended in failure.
Merpeople are currently in the process of trying to make a Hippocampus version of the serum that allows their tails to temporarily transform into legs. This would allow Hippocampus to follow their Merpeople owners out of the water and experience life on land for a little while.
Extra Fun Fact: It is believed that Hippocampus are actually the "Ocean Kelpies" that many Merpeople talk about.