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Animal Class: Monotreme

Diet: Carnivorous

Live in groups ( that can number in the hundreds) in large caves that are usually full of different types of gems and crystals.( groups are lead by one male or female that usually ends up being the biggest Goblin in the group due to it getting the most amount of food)  

They are a nocturnal species, but they are not harmed by sunlight in anyway. ( It is believed that they only come out at night because the darkness offers more cover) 

Have a huge rivalry with Trolls because of the fact that the two species tend to steal caves from each other.

Like Trolls they lay eggs, but their eggs are not protected by camouflage.( They lay around 8 to 16 eggs at a time) Their eggs are protected by a poisonous goo by covers the entire egg until it is ready to hatch. The goo is poisonous to any creature that isn't a Goblin and when ingested it makes most creatures very sick, but a Troll will die if it ingests almost any amount of the goo.

They are more intelligent than Trolls and they can create and use weapons such as Bows and knives ( the knives are usually made of stone) and when hunting ( they hunt in large groups) they can make complex decisions and set traps. ( Many groups of Goblins have actually been seen speaking broken English and a few other languages)

Naturally live in Europe, but in recent years they have migrated to some parts of Asia, North America( by sneaking onboard ships and planes), and South America.

Extra Fun Fact: The creators of the movie " Labyrinth" studied the behavior of several groups of Goblins in order for the way that the Goblins were portrayed in the film to be as realistic as possible.        

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