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Animal Class: Monotreme

Diet: Carnivorous 

Completely nocturnal creatures, Trolls spend daylight hours sleeping deep in underground burrows  or deep inside caves because if they are exposed to sunlight, they will be permanently turned to stone.( The only time you will see a Troll out during the day is when the sun is blocked from view on cloudy and stormy days) 

They tend to live deep in mountains and forests, so that it is much harder for humans and other dangerous creatures to find them and attack them while they sleep. 

Trolls that live in burrows that are close to the surface will cover the entrances to their burrows with large boulders in order to prevent sunlight from getting in.

Tend to travel alone, but have been known to form hunting parties with around 5 to 15 other Trolls in order to hunt herd animals like deer, elk, and cattle. 

Females lay their eggs ( in clutches of around 4 to 9 ) underground and since they look very similar ro rocks, they are very well camouflaged, so she can leave them alone for as long as she wants with little to no worry. 

Have a rivalry with Goblins due to the fact that both species tend to steal caves from each other.

Naturally live in Europe ( mainly Scandinavia) and North America ( mainly the more mountainous parts of the United States and Canada) , but they are an invasive species in some African countries. ( The reason for them being there is still unclear, but the African ones tend to be smaller and more docile)  

Naturally live for around 60 to 90 years. 

Their exact level of intelligence is unknown, but they are smart enough to use tools and make weapons. 

Extra Fun Fact: Despite the stories that Trolls kidnap and eat small children, there is almost no evidence to back those stories up because the nocturnal lifestyle of Trolls would make it nearly impossible to encounter a lone small child. Those stories were mostly told to scare young kids, so that they would go to bed early and stay in bed until morning. 


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