Megatron's death

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The Decepticons attacked the Autobots relentlessly. Darkwing watched some of her friends getting shot by those, but she stayed at her place.

She can't go against the order.

The space bridge finally stopped moving in the Cybertron's direction.

"Now, Starscream?" Megatron asked.


The Second in command pushed a button on the computer and activated the bridge with a grin on his face.

Megatron walked to the purple rock, easily lifted it, and left the room with it.

"Watch the show from here."

The next thing that Darkwing saw was the dark Energon flying toward the bridge and disappearing in it.

"Is it really happening? Is our whole planet is gonna be full of undead?" Darkwing asked quietly.

"Not for so long." Starscream showed her some moving circles. "They are coming here."

The femme watched the exponentially growing number of circles and looked out at the window. She saw some movement on the space bridge again.

"Our leader and Orion... they are fighting again?"

"It looks like."

"But where are the other Autobots?" Darkwing turned to Starscream. "My commander, what if they planning something?"

The second in command started scanning the space bridge until he found them. He immediately sent a message to Megatron about it, while Darkwing watched their fight with wide eyes.

Every time she saw Megatron in battle, he didn't look like a ruler to her. He was a gladiator from Kaon, just like when she first saw him in the pits. His pure strength made him a great warrior, and Darkwing was amazed by this.

After a minute, Megatron changed his form and flew to the other Autobots.

But something was off. The space bridge started to break into pieces.

Starscream gave out the orders harshly.

"Retreat, at full speed!"

"Commander Starscream, we can't let Megatron here!" Darkwing grabbed her Commander's wing, but he simply pushed her back. "The Spacebridge is gonna blow up!"

"He will solve it, the ship's and the soldier's state is more important now. Retreat!"

Darkwing watched the space bridge breaking apart by the explosion, and in the center of this all, she saw Megatron's shadow.

She wanted to stop him, but her servos didn't move like she was in stasis.

Lord Megatron...

A blue and white energy wave from the blast pushed the Nemesis back.

Darkwing fell to her knees. She can't take off her optics from the window, where not long ago her leader blew up.

"Decepticons..." Starscream stepped closer to the computer, where Megatron stood some minutes ago. "It is with deep sorrow, that I note for the log... Megatron's spark has been extinguished. All hail Starscream."

No. No. No. No. No. No. No! This can't be happening!

The femme tried to stand up, and with a familiar servo's help, she successfully was back on her peds. Her vision became blurry for seconds, and she leaned against her helper's frame.

"Soundwave..." She muttered, and looked up to the silent mech. "What should we do now?"

Her helper stayed silent, only a light squeeze on her servo showed that what he felt inside. 

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