Last honour

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Darkwing silently sat on the medberth, while Knockout checked her. Neither of them said anything, they were almost as quiet as Soundwave. The femme's body still felt dizzy, but in her mind, she was far from the Nemesis and the Earth.

She was at home, at Cybertron. She was at the Pits, where she first saw Megatron.

It was just one of her missions, to get down to the lower levels of Kaon. At that time, she still worked as an assistant and didn't have a name. Just like so many of them, she was made with a rush, and so much was left out of her.

She searched day and night for who she looked for, and one of the clues gave her a way into the world of the gladiators. She joined them, just to get closer to the best fighters of the pit, and on her first match, she saw him.

Megatronus, the biggest Gladiator of Kaon stood near the other fighters and watched her duel with interest. She knew almost nothing about him, so she was neutral toward him. She turned back to his enemy.

Her opponent was a big mech, almost as big as Breakdown. She easily moved around his big and slow frame, and between his two attacks, she had time to quickly hit his weak points until the mech fell.

"And the winner is... the femme!"

The auditorium was loud from the viewers when Darkwing stepped on her enemy and raised her fist in the air. She finally understood, why so much bot choose the path of a gladiator.

They wanted others to know, that they are alive. They are here.

The femme left the arena, and on the corridors towards her berthroom, she ran into the giant mech. He was almost double her size, but he looked down at her without derogatory.

"It was a good fight."

"Thank you, Megatronus. But I will never be as good as you."

The giant laughed.

"Maybe one day. But I suggest... for the win, you have to sharpen your body too. Your technic won't be enough."

"Thank you for the advice."

"You're welcome... My apologies, I don't even know your name."

The femme slowly shook her helm.

"I don't have any."

"I didn't have one too. My second piece of advice... get a name. With a designation, you will become more."

From the past, Knockout's words took her back.

"Darkwing? Darkwing!"


"I asked how do you feel now."


Knockout rolled his optics, then pinched the femme's faceplate.

"I mean your body, you idiot. You were exposed to a giant dose of dark Energon, do you know how much radiation can you get from that thing?"

"It was an order."

"You could say for things like that no. Do you know the word?"

"Of course!"

"Then why don't you use it?!"

"Cause I can't!" Darkwing stood up to her peds, but she had to grab the side of the berth immediately. Knockout stayed silent, while watched the femme struggling to stand. "Lord Megatron saved me, from myself. I was nothing before I knew him. I just followed the orders, without thinking."

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