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New Moon

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The day flew by. I was in the Cullen's house with Bella and Edward while everyone else was getting the party ready.

I saw a painting, four figures. "The Volturi are a very old, very powerful family. They're the closest thing my world has to Royalty" Edward said.

"Is that Carlisle" Bella asked. "Yes, he lived with them for a few decades. He describes them as very refined, for killers" Edward said.

"The Volturi are what you call enforcers" Edward said. "Of what" Bella asked. "Our main rule, to keep secret of the existence of our kind" he said.

"It's time" Alice said as she drags Bella away. "And that's her gone" Edward said making me chuckle slightly.

We go downstairs. "Sorry about all this. We tried to rein Alice in" Carlisle said. "Like that's even possible. Happy Birthday Bella" Esme said.

I see a flash. I looked to see Alice had taken a picture of me and Edward. "Give the girl a hug" Alice said.

"Sorry" Edward said as he put his arm around me and gave me a hug as Alice took another picture of us.

Edward removed his arm. "Now one of the birthday girl and her man" Alice said as Edward goes to Bella and Alice takes a picture.

"Presents" Alice said. Rosalie gives Bella a box. "It's a necklace, Alice picked it" she told the birthday girl. "Thanks" Bella replied.

"Here" Emmett said handing her a box. Bella shakes it and it was empty. "I already installed it into your truck" he said.

"Finally a decent sound system for that piece of-" I was cut of by Bella. "Hey don't hate the truck" she said.

"This is from me and Esme" Carlisle said handing her a small box. "Just something to brighten your day you're looking a little pale lately" Esme said.

Bella starts to open it but cuts her finger. "Paper cut" she said. My eyes went wide as I heard a loud bang.

I heard a loud growl. I noticed Oliver running towards Bella. I feel Jasper run over to me his arms wrapped around me.

Edward pushes Bella back making her hit the wall. Oliver slams into Edward but Edward pushes him back into the wall.

Emmett and Carlisle hold Oliver back. Alice holds his hands. "Ssh.. it's just.." she stops and notices more blood.

"Emmett get Oliver out of here. Jasper go with them" Carlisle said. Jasper looked at me and I noticed his eyes were black.

"Jasper go" Carlisle said. I noticed the others besides Edward and Carlisle were gone. "You have to go" he said.

"I-I" Jasper wasn't speaking. "He can't leave her" Edward said making Carlisle look at him confused on why.

"If he leaves her, he'll attack Bella. Her presence calms him down. It helps him control his thirst" Edward said.

"Jasper, Angel, please go upstairs" Carlisle said. I drag Jasper upstairs and into his bedroom. I was pinned against the wall looking into Jasper's black eyes.

"It's Okay Jazz" I said. "You didn't deserve to see that" he said. "It can't be helped" I said. "But it doesn't mean I want you to see" he said.

"I better take you home" he said. "What about Bella" I asked. "Edward will take her home" he told me.

We go downstairs and see the others including Edward. "I'm taking Angel home" Jasper told them and they all nodded their heads.

After a while we arrive at my house. "You should go in, it's late" he told me. "Okay I'll see you soon Okay" I said. "Okay" he said.

I go to kiss him but he moves his face away. "Good night Angel" he said. "Good night" I said as I get out of the car.

A sigh escaped my mouth as I enter the house. "Where's Bella" Charlie asked. "She's still with Edward" I told him and he nodded his head.

I slowly make my way to my room. Something wasn't right, I knew it wasn't and I didn't know what to do.

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Angel  (Jasper Hale)Where stories live. Discover now